Illustration: Coline Robin, photo background: Jfxie (CC BY 2.0)







  Issue 27  

 20 years EU-CoE youth partnership! 



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Back Traces and influences – the youth partnership changes lives!

Illustrations: Matia Losego

Illustrations: Matia Losego

Traces and influences - the youth partnership changes lives!

by the Coyote editorial team


What does a joint programme between the European Commission and the Council of Europe leave as a trace 20 years after it starts? What influence does it really have?

To answer these two questions, the editorial team of the Coyote magazine asked a few of those involved in different ways.

Their stories are in a way also the story of the youth partnership. While these stories are (luckily!) not unique in the case of those working in international co-operation, they showcase what makes the partnership distinctive and special in the landscape of the European youth field, and how a European programme (or project or co-operation framework) can also lead to changes in the places close to home.

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