Illustration: Vanda Kovacs

Illustration: Vanda Kovacs

Taking social rights seriously – where to find more!


 by the Coyote editorial team 



Here we have a serious collection! A variety of youth work resources from the Enter! project of the Council of Europe, from the work on social inclusion in the youth sector and many more, which are available online.

These tools should complement and support the actual work with young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods, and the work of duty bearers, who should ensure that young people have access to social rights. The educational resources and publications are also very useful for awareness raising and advocacy efforts, ensuring better policies for young people’s access to social rights.

In many situations, as youth workers or youth leaders, you can make links between existing services and make sure that information is accessible and easy to use. In other situations, the way specific services and policies are designed can also be reviewed to secure improved access to education, employment, housing, health care, information, culture and leisure, and other social rights. 


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As you can see, there are so many ways to Enter!

Good luck!

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Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth
c/o Council of Europe / Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation Youth Department / F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
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