Rural youth resources – where to find more
by the Coyote editorial team
Illustration by Ana Mendes
by the Coyote editorial team
European Rural Youth Declaration, created at the second European Rural Youth Parliament (ERYP), states 10 calls for action regarding the most urgent challenges faced by young Europeans. The document represents issues and specific steps that must be taken by decision makers and fellow youth to make rural areas better places for living
Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life which contains principles, best practices and guidelines to enhance youth participation at local and regional levels
Village international, a practical booklet for youth workers about setting up international projects in rural and geographically isolated areas
Everybody counts! A handbook on inclusion and participation of young people in Eastern Partnership Countries
Change the village, challenge yourself, you(th) can make a difference! Report of the Double study session held by Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe
Handbook for associations to support women entrepreneurship in rural areas
Rural Youth Europe learning platform with various training methods
Rural youth engagement toolkit
Brochure on how to organise rural youth festivals
LEADER: Links between activities for the development of the rural economy – toolkit and methodology
Youth Goal No. 6 – Moving rural youth forward. Explanations and suggested methods
Report of the study session held by Rural Youth Europe and European Council of Young Farmers
Statistics on rural areas in the EU which assesses differences between people living in rural and urban areas, based on an analysis by degree of urbanisation and covers the following subjects: poverty and social exclusion, housing, health, education, the labour market and the digital divide
Role of a rural youth worker – reflections and ideas for development
Rural Youth Project case studies, survey results and report
Herrsching seminar – International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth which happens every other year. You can also find different conference reports related to it
A LEADER journey through rural Europe – a publication containing descriptions of the LEADER network practices and example projects in rural areas
Rural Youth Work project, which might inspire you with its activities and achievements
The outcomes of the 7th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue which tackles rural youth issues among other topics related to youth in Europe
Supporting rural youth in the EU – overview of policy instruments and funds, which outlines main policies and tools available at the EU level to support youth in rural areas
Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States meeting within the Council on Raising Opportunities for Young People in Rural and Remote areas
The Enter! Recommendation: Recommendation CM/Rec (2015)3 on Access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Flash Eurobarometer survey “European youth: participation in democratic life” (No. 375) for the study of young EU citizens’ participation in society, with special reference to attitudes towards participation in elections and intentions to participate in the European elections in 2014
Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth – 2019 Rural Development Report by IFAD
Rural youth, today and tomorrow – interesting background paper of the IFAD 2019 Rural Development Report
Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is a network of 40 bilateral and multilateral development agencies, international financing institutions, intergovernmental organisations and foundations aiming to enhance the impact of development investments in agriculture, food systems and rural livelihoods through informed policy and programming
Erasmus+ Youth in Action opportunities description for rural youth
International Fund for Agricultural Development – an international financial institution and specialised United Nations agency based in Rome
Supporting rural youth: overview of EU policy instruments and funds
This briefing overviews the main policies and tools available at the EU level to support youth in rural areas
LEADER is designed to help rural actors improve the long-term potential of their local region. Projects need to fall within specific priorities granted to specific countries. Sometimes there is a youth focus in these projects
Rural Youth Europe is a European non-governmental umbrella organisation for rural youth organisations. Rural Youth Europe works to enhance the lives of rural young people through providing intercultural learning opportunities which encourage advocacy and respect for others
CEJA-European Council of Young Farmers is a forum for dialogue between Europe’s next generation of young farmers and key decision makers. Its main objective is to promote a younger and more innovative agricultural sector across the EU-27 and to create good working and living conditions for young people setting up in farming and those who are already “young farmers”
MIJARC is an international movement of Catholic agricultural and rural youth and a network for rural and Christian youth organisations all over the continent. MIJARC Europe represents over 130 000 young people from rural areas in 13 European countries.
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)
The ENRD serves as a hub for exchange of information on how rural development policy, programmes, projects and other initiatives are working in practice and how they can be improved to achieve more.
The Rural Youth Project
An international grass-roots movement for positive change to empower young people (18 to 28 years of age) to develop their leadership, enterprise and activism skills, to play an integral part in making rural places attractive and viable for young people to build their lives and their futures there
European Rural Parliament (ERP)
The ERP is a long-term campaign that expresses the voice of people in rural Europe and promotes self-help and action by rural people, in partnership with civil society and governments. The ERP Youth movement serves as a platform for young people to engage in the rural development process, to connect organisations and professionals across Europe and to empower advocating their needs to multilevel stakeholders
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