Illustration: Coline Robin, photo background: Jfxie (CC BY 2.0)







  Issue 27  

 20 years EU-CoE youth partnership! 



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Back EU-CoE youth partnership à la carte!

Illustration by Matia Losego

Illustration by Matia Losego

EU-CoE youth partnership à la carte!

by the Coyote editorial team


The EU-CoE youth partnership is a little bit like a restaurant in the most genuine sense of creating spaces for people to enjoy, learn from each other and get nurtured. There are some usual clients, who come to eat well and spend some time with others, and so they know most of the menu (even though perhaps they have never tried one or two or five things). At the same time, there are often new people coming in, very often quite enthusiastic. However, the menu is quite long and they’re not always sure what to go for … have you ever experienced that situation when you are really looking forward to a great lunch or dinner but you really don’t manage to make up your mind what to choose?

What we’re aiming for here is to give some clarity of our menu. Some of the people in the youth partnership team are really good cooks when it comes to food, but we as a team are quite good cooks when it comes to resources for the youth field! Check our menu and come back, you’re always welcome! Ah, and also, as you would do for a restaurant you like, recommend us to your friends and colleagues!

N.B. We know that not all people like food-related comparisons or metaphors, but bear with us. Some of this information may be useful with or without a menu!

Care to have a drink with a couple of friends at a triangular table?

 Perspectives on youth will surely be useful for you if you are looking for different perspectives on youth-related issues. Policy makers, researchers and youth work practitioners reveal their ideas about different themes, from youth in 2020, to health, to digitalisation.


If you’re looking for resources that are hands-on and ready to use, we do have some of these.

 Check, for example, the Youth policy essentials guide (putting a whole unsettled science into less than 30 pages), or the guide on youth work with refugees.

 Another appetiser is the MOOC on youth policy, “Essentials of youth policy”, a short-term MOOC for getting the basic elements of youth policy. We’re running a new edition in autumn 2018, so join us if you need to learn more about this topic!

 If you work on intercultural issues, the guidelines for intercultural dialogue in youth projects will definitely be a helpful list to go through and improve your project.

 If you work on learning mobility, the Principles for quality in learning mobility will be of help, supporting quality in your project!

 Not sure what something means? Check our Glossary on youth to get clarification on some of the key terms in the European youth field!

  Main courses

 Coyote is, of course, this magazine! Beginning in 1999 with a strong focus on training in the youth field, its target audiences have widened to include all those who are interested in youth work, research and policy. Unlike most takeaways, the articles often have a long life, giving inspiration to many over years!

 Youth Knowledge Books are full of knowledge about young people and the key issues that the European youth field has looked into. They are the outcome of research seminars and expert workshops on priority topics of the youth partnership. Topics vary from intercultural learning, to social inclusion, learning mobility, cross-sectoral co-operation and youth work.

 T-kits are training kits on specific themes relating to training and youth work. They are designed as easy-to-use handbooks for use in training with young people. Thirteen T-kits are available on a number of important topics, most recently intercultural learning and sustainability.

 Analytical papers are produced specifically within the research projects or events organised by the Youth Partnership. You will find many of them here as well as on the specific activity pages. Browse to see if some of these analyses can also support your work or provide useful references.

 Different research activities and projects have been organised by the partnership throughout the years, from barriers to social inclusion to the very recent one on educational pathways of youth workers.

 National dishes: EKCYP national factsheets elaborated by EKCYP correspondents offer information about youth policy in the countries covered by the European Cultural Convention. Check them out!

 History of youth work project: from little acorns, oak trees grow! After one small seminar 10 years ago, there are now six (soon to be seven) books on the history of youth work throughout Europe, providing countries’ (hi)stories, analysis of the educational and social roots of youth work, discussion of youth work’s relationships with wider youth policy, and a focus on transnational youth work organisations. Not bad from small beginnings.


 Videos either from events or information videos on youth work and youth policy. Several interviews with experts are also available.

 Expert space: looking for experts with different profiles, from youth researchers to policy and training? Check our expert space for useful profiles on a variety of youth-related themes.

 Newsletter: if you want to keep up to date with what the Youth Partnership does, subscribe to our newsletter here (scroll down on the right-hand column).

 Library: a collection of our work as well others’ work on youth topics.

  Some extras …

Extra 1: Find a cook

 PEYR includes over 30 youth researchers working on different themes and geographical areas in the youth field. They offer support to the work of the Youth Partnership and the pool is also a space for developing youth research in Europe.

Extra 2: Cooking workshops

 Activities and activity reports: if you are curious about past activities, here you can find a good number, as well as their reports.

 Good practices: in the different projects organised by the Youth Partnership, a number of good practices were collected on themes as varied as radicalisation leading to violence through to youth policy.


And don’t forget to rate our menu! We are online on Facebook and Twitter.

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