Democratic Culture in Action - Democratic Competences in the digital era
Countries involved:
Czech Republic, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Serbia
Overall objective:
- To implement several indicators from the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC) related to the media and social networks
Expected outcomes:
- Assessment on how competences are currently reflected in the education system of the partner countries
- Understanding of the most effective and successful way to implement the CDC in the digital area
- Two focus groups with teachers in each partner country where opinions and suggestions will be collected
- A strategy paper which includes a summary of national research, suggestions and recommendations from the meetings and best practice toolkit
The EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme "Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO)" is funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe. The opinions expressed by third parties in content on this website do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Council of Europe or the European Union. The Council of Europe and the European Union do not accept any responsibility for the content of any external sites over which the Council of Europe and the European Union have no control, including those representing projects and activities in individual member States and elsewhere. The information which they contain may not necessarily be complete, exhaustive, accurate or up to date. Any views expressed on those sites do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe or the European Union.
Strategy Paper and Tools for teachers and teacher trainers
“Developing competences for Democratic Culture in the digital era”
Download in English