Addressing Violence in Schools through Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education
Countries involved:
Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland and Romania
Overall objective:
- To raise awareness of violence in schools, to explore educational policies and practices to address and prevent violence in school and develop a scheme which both promotes democratic citizenship and combats violence at school.
Expected outcomes:
- Increased awareness of violence in school on the part of both teachers and relevant stakeholders;
- Identification and inventory of forms of violence occurring in schools;
- The development of an action plan (founded on research and the input of civil society groups) for combatting violence in schools for use of national and international policy makers and education policy developers;
- The development of a teacher training module on combatting violence in schools for the use of teacher training institutions in the partner states;
- The setting up/implementation of a network of empowered teachers trained in how to combat violence at school and who can act as mediators and multipliers at local, national and international level.