Democratic school governance for inclusion: a whole community approach
Countries involved:
Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland and Romania
Overall objective:
- To take stock and further develop the outcomes of the past projects of the Programme, in particular the “whole community approach” as a means of strengthening democratic school governance. The “whole community approach” was the main suggestion point of a project entitled “Addressing Violence at school through EDC/HRE” from the Programme’s 2015 cycle. The current project will also take advantage of some other outcomes of Programme’s previous projects such as “Travel pass to democracy” and “Teaching controversial issues”.
- To experiment the “whole community approach” in a pilot scheme to be applied and evaluated in each partner country through action research.
Expected outcomes:
- Piloting in each partner country: carrying out action research using the “whole community approach”
- Developing a strategic plan for inclusive practices in each selected school site and implementation
- Assessment of the outcomes of the project at the country level
- Developing project’s recommendations
- Publication and dissemination of results at the national and international level
The EU/Council of Europe Joint Programme "Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO)" is funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe. The opinions expressed by third parties in content on this website do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Council of Europe or the European Union. The Council of Europe and the European Union do not accept any responsibility for the content of any external sites over which the Council of Europe and the European Union have no control, including those representing projects and activities in individual member States and elsewhere. The information which they contain may not necessarily be complete, exhaustive, accurate or up to date. Any views expressed on those sites do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe or the European Union.
Democratic School Governance for inclusion: a whole community approach
approach for social inclusion. A report produced in co-operation with
Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland and Romania
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