Back DISCO: Three new co-operation projects

76 applications were received from 38 different countries and more than 200 organisations participated in the call for project proposals issued by the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO)” in October 2019.

Three new multi-partner co-operation projects were selected for funding:

Under priority 1: Implementation of the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) in education institutions

  • The project “Embedding a Democratic Culture Dimension in Teacher Education Programmes (EDCD-TEP)” brings together partners from Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom with the aim of developing a framework to integrate the Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC) into primary teacher education programmes of the participating countries.
  • The project “Resilience through Education for Democratic Citizenship (REDE)” sees the participation of implementing organisations from Austria, France and Poland and aims at identifying, evaluating and disseminating innovative methods for democratic competences of teachers, social workers and trainers (NGOs) working with young people outside the school environment, to strengthen resilience against radicalisation and anti-democratic extremism.

Under priority 2: Fostering Democratic and Inclusive Culture in education institutions, with a particular focus on creating opportunities for migrants, refugees and minorities

  • The project “The Rights Understanding in Sport Toolkit (TRUST)” brings together partner organisations from Ireland, Netherlands and Portugal and aims at developing a programme on human rights education tailored for sports practitioners working in educational institutions, highlighting the key role of sport in promoting human rights.

The projects will be implemented during the Programme cycle 2020-2021 and will last up to 18 months.


For more information:

Call for proposals webpage

Strasbourg 4 May 2020
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