Shadow Report on Youth Policy. A youth perspective
Evaluation of the National Youth Strategy (2008) in the Republic of Serbia and Action Plan 2009 – 2014
Evaluation of the youth activity and of the programs in the field of youth for the period 2010-2015 [Evaluarea activității de tineret si a programelor in domeniul tineretului pentru perioada 2010-2015]
Evaluation of Innovation in UNICEF Work. Case Study: U-Report
Combined evaluation of Erasmus+ and predecessor programmes
Study on the Your First EURES job mobility scheme and options for future EU measures on youth intra-EU labour mobility
Exploring Erasmus+ Youth in Action. Effects and outcomes of the ERASMUS+ Youth in Action Programme from the perspective of project participants and project leaders (2016)
Exploring Erasmus+ Youth in Action. Effects and outcomes of the ERASMUS+ Youth in Action Programme from the perspective of project participants and project leaders (2020)
Exploring Erasmus+ Youth in Action. Effects and outcomes of the ERASMUS+ Youth in Action Programme from the perspective of project participants and project leaders (2021)
Youthpass Impact Study
Annual evaluation of the implementation of the Action Plan for performance of the National Youth Strategy for 2020, August 2021
Report on the implementation of the National Youth Strategy in the Republic Serbia from 2015 to 2020, August 2021
Assessment of the Youth Employment Initiative
First results of the Youth Employment Initiative - Final Report
Evaluation of European Social Fund: Priority 1 and Priority 4 (Employment and NEET) Provision
Evaluation of Labour Market Projects for Young People
Youth unemployment – have EU policies made a difference? An assessment of the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative
The evaluation of the Youth Employment Initiative in Portugal using Counterfactual Impact Evaluation methods
Vocational training and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Youth Guarantee in Latvia
Repeat Evaluation of Youth Friendly Clinics in Ukraine
Evaluation of Programmes for MARA (Most-at-Risk Adolescents)
Évaluation Transformative des Effets du Travail de Jeunesse - Une étude d’impact dans cinq pays européens : Rapport sur les résultats français du projet Developing and Communicating the Impact of Youth Work accross Europe
The Impact of Youth Work in Europe: A Study of Five European Countries
Developing Detached Youth Work in Malta and Romania
Primera evaluación de la iniciativa de empleo juvenil/First Evaluation of the Youth Employment Initiative
II Evaluación de la iniciativa de empleo juvenil / Second Evaluation of the Youth Employment Initiative
The European Youth Guarantee: A systematic review of its implementation across countries
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). Evaluation Report for the 2014-2020 Scottish Operational Programmes (2016)
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI). Evaluation Report for the 2014-2020 Scottish Operational Programmes (2018)
Évaluation de l’impact du programme européen « Initiative pour l’emploi des jeunes » en 2015
Evaluation 2018 de l’impact de l’Initiative pour l’emploi des jeunes (IEJ) en France
Youth Employment Initiative Process Evaluation: Assessment of Strategic Fit, Design and Implementation
Evaluation of the operation of the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) element of the European Social Fund (ESF) Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020
Evaluarea ”Iniţiativei Locuri de Muncă pentru Tineri” (ILMT) în România, implementata prin Axa Prioritară 1 a Programului Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020 / Evaluation of the “Youth Employment Initiative” (ILMT) in Romania, implemented through Priority Axis 1 of the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020
Evaluarea intervențiilor POCU în domeniul ocupării forței de muncă. Evaluarea contribuției POCU la creșterea ocupării în rândul tinerilor NEETs. Raport de evaluare 2015 / Evaluation of POCU interventions in the field of employment. Assessing the contribution of POCU to employment growth among young NEETs. Evaluation report 2015
Provision of Services for the evaluation of the achievements of the interventions of the common support of the ESF and of the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) including the application of the «Youth Guarantee» in terms of sustainable integration of young people into the labour
Case Study: Youth Guarantee and One-Stop Guidance Center
Can a short-term job trial programme kick-start young jobseekers’ career? Evaluation of the 90-day job trial in Hungary
Evaluation of internship contract in Spain
What works for whom? Youth labour market policy in Poland
Counterfactual impact evaluation of hiring incentives and EPL reduction on youth employment in Italy
Evaluation of the Youth Employment Initiative in Lithuania
A theory based evaluation on possible measures which increase young NEETs employability
Transnational Report on the impact of employment policies on young NEETs
Transnational report on the impact of education and training initiatives on young NEETs
Study for the evaluation of ESF Support to Youth Employment
Commission Staff Working Document. Evaluation of the ESF and YEI Support to Youth Employment
Evaluation of the Effects of the Graduate Practice in Slovakia: Comparison of Results of Counterfactual Methods
Step Back and Make Room. The role of youth work in formal education settings
Youth Empowerment Bulgari Final Project Evaluation
Youth Policy Implementation at the Local Level: Imereti and Tbilisi
Assessment of the Implementation of USAID’s Youth in Development Policy
LifeSet, formerly known as Transitional Living
The Youth Count Texas! Project: Process Evaluation Report
Horizontal Evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy - Career Focus Stream
Youth Engagement Program Evaluation
Evaluating Oklahoma 21st Century Community Learning Centers. 2019-2020 Report to the Oklahoma State Department of Education
REACHing New Heights in Youth Development and Postsecondary Achievement: Final Evaluation Report (Resilience, Adventure, Education, Community, Health)
Evaluation of a Trauma-Informed Program for Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth
Evaluation of the EU Youth Strategy and the Council Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers across the EU
“It’s, like, trying to make us better people” “It’s, like, trying to make us better people”
Schools for Future - Youth Evaluation Report: Developing young people as active global citizens
Youth Engagement Fund Evaluation
Interim Evaluation of Youth in Communities (YIC)
Youth CONNECT Process Evaluation Report
Final Report on the Evaluation of the Youth Employment and Empowerment Programme (YEEP)
Yes Youth Can! Impact Evaluation Final Report
“Leading the way to Peace – Youth Together for Social Cohesion” Project Evaluation
Summative evaluation of the Horizontal Youth Employment Strategy
UNESCO 2018 Asia-Pacific youth evaluation report
The Rock Trust Housing First for Youth Evaluation Report
Evaluation of UNDP Support for Youth Economic Empowerment
STEAM in Youth Work Support Services. Report on a final evaluation survey 2021
An Evaluation of Connex Youth Mentorship Program (Connex)