PSS Conferene Sofia

Pro Safe Sport in Sofia

On 4 October 2016 a Pro Safe Sport (PSS) conference was organised in Sofia, Bulgaria, to follow-up on the Council of Europe initiative on the promotion of safe sport. Mr Krasen Kralev, Minister of Youth and Sports of Bulgaria reminded in his statement that for the first time – in Bulgaria – a conference was organised tackling the issue of “safe sport”, and he thanked the organisers to bring this important topic to the fore.


The main themes of the conference were


“Combining sports and education (on dual careers)”,

“Keeping energy and enthusiasm (on the psychological well-being of athletes)” and

“Preventing trauma and injuries (on the physical well-being of athletes)”.


PSS is ready to provide capacity building and technical assistance via its pool of experts and tools to support sport organisations to introduce, promote and improve “safe sport” measures.






Presentations of the experts are available upon request. Please fill in the contact form at your right!



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