On 7-10 December 2020, Germany hosted the 3rd European Youth Work Convention as it held EU Council Presidency and Chairmanship of the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe. The EU-Council of Europe youth partnership was among the many partners and contributors to organising the 3rd Convention.
The Convention took stock of the developments in youth work in Europe since the last Conventions in 2010 and 2015, both hosted by Belgium.
It will also support the community of youth work practice in Europe to launch the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda – a policy framework drawing on the Council of Europe Recommendation (CM/Rec(2017)4 and its Youth Sector Strategy 2030 and the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027.
The EU-Council of Europe youth partnership is hosting the contents of the last two conventions and contributed to the organisation of the 3rd European Youth Work Convention with a series of research, policy, and youth work education initiatives.
If you missed the first edition of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Youth Work Essentials. Have a look at the library of video interviews A day in the life of a youth worker, and the three webinar video and graphic recordings
The last webinar explored the challenges and future of youth work, with Axel Stammberger from the German Federal Ministry Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth introducing the 3rd European Youth Work Convention and the European Youth Work Agenda process.
Listen to the MOOC Podcasts exploring various aspects of youth work and its link to policy and research.
As with the previous conventions, Coyote magazine editorial team was on the lookout for contributors as it will launch edition 31 dedicated to the 3rd European Youth Work Convention.