Back Results of the call for proposals for micro-grants

Selected projects for Micro-Grants ready to kick-off

Under Lot 1 of the Call, for the dissemination and/or further development of the outcomes of previous cycles of the joint EU/CoE DISCO programme, the project “Sharing Knowledge, Handling Controversy in schools of Greece, North Macedonia and Bulgaria” (SKHC) was selected.

The project will work on developing a peaceful and inclusive school environment in the three countries involved by using the following tool developed through DISCO:
Managing controversy. Developing a Strategy for Handling Controversy and Teaching Controversial Issues in Schools”.

Under Lot 2 of the same Call the following projects were selected:

  • Strengthening Digital Resilience in Georgia (Georgia)
  • Democratic Competences via Digital Channel (Italy)
  • School Curriculum and Teaching Controversial Issues – developing effective practices for teaching and learning approaches (North Macedonia)
  • Teachers for Education, Democracy and Human Rights (North Macedonia)
  • Combating Media Illiteracy: A digital Handbook (Romania)
  • Community Service Training – a whole school approach for social change (Romania)
  • With Heart: Building Sustainable SL (Volunteer) Projects (Ukraine)

To learn more about the projects’ objectives and activities, we invite you to visit their webpages.


Congratulations to all selected projects!

Strasbourg 22 March 2021
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