Во зависност од потребите и приоритетите на засегнатите корисници, работата во оваа област се концентрира на поддршка на институциите на народниот правобранител, инклузивно образование (со осврт на расизам, малтретирање, сегрегација и екстремизам во образовниот систем, корупција во образованието), справување со трговијата со луѓе ( со фокус на помош на жртвите на трговија со луѓе), спротивставување на дискриминацијата на националните малцинства и/или кога се заснова на сексуална ориентација или родов идентитет.

Back Call for proposals: Support to self-government/or civil society organisations in fighting discrimination - “Promotion of diversity and equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Call for proposals: Support to self-government/or civil society organisations in fighting discrimination - “Promotion of diversity and equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Under the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, and its action on “Promotion of diversity and equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, the Council of Europe is launching a call for proposals with the aim to fund concrete responses on combating discrimination, including discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and/or gender identity, combating hate speech, as well as protecting and promoting national minorities and their languages.

NOTE: The deadline for the submission of applications is extended until 06 September 2020 (at 17:00 CET).
Applications should be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

 Questions and answers

In accordance with the Article 8.4 of Rule 1374 of 16 December 2015 on the grant award procedures of the Council of Europe and regarding the Call for Proposals for a grant for local self government and civil society organisations in fighting discrimination published on 21 July 2020, below please find reply to the respective question.

Q1: As we noticed in Call it is open for local self-government (Municipality) and for cooperating projects from local level self-government with local CSO/NGO. We are NGO and we are about to apply but we have doubt regarding it. So, should we apply jointly with Municipality and where do we mark them as partner as we couldn`t see any space for it in Application form available with Call.

A1: According to the open call the preference will be given to project/actions where there is a cooperation between the CSO and local self-government and other relevant stakeholders. In this case, it needs to be clearly defined who is the applicant and who cooperation partner. In case your CSO decides to be the applicant, then it is recomended that you enclose the Letter of Endorsement from the local self-government. In case your local self-government is the main applicant, endorsement letter will be needed from your CSO. In either case, detailed engagement of the cooperation partner (CSO or local-self government) can be described under questions 5,6,7 and 9 of the application form.

Q2: Within the budget, field "Responsible CoE administrator" - it should be left empty by our side, we presume?

A2: Within the budget field “Responsible CoE administrator” should be left empty.

Q3: Other supporting documents: if CSO is applying, does it still have to submit organogram (in some form), or this refers primarily when local self-governments are the applicants?

A3: All requested documents mentioned in the Call, including organogram, should be submitted, no matter who is applying. 



Sarajevo 21 July 2020
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