Montenegro police to boost human rights standards with new procedures

27 September 2024 Podgorica, Montenegro

Police officers in Montenegro are stepping up efforts to protect human rights through the introduction of newly developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). During two days of training, held on 26-27 September in Bijelo Polje, middle management staff from the Regional Centre “North” were...

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Advancing Serbia’s reform agenda in human rights, rule of law and democracy in line with European standards

26 September 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

Serbia has made progress on its reform agenda, ranging from strengthening human rights protections and anti-trafficking efforts to promoting equality, quality education for all, as well as safeguarding freedom of expression- all in the framework of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme,...

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Equality bodies, public authorities and civil society organisations in Albania to join forces in the efforts to combat discrimination and hatred

23 September 2024 Tirana

Partners and beneficiaries of the action on Advancing the Protection from Discrimination in Albania valued the contribution of this co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, that aims to bring forward the effects of the reforms in the field of anti-discrimination and...

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Software to support a more efficient system of treatment of prisoners launched for the beneficiaries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

18-19 September 2024 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

For the first time in a prison of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation an Integrated Prison Management Information System (IPMIS) was put into function. This prison software together with the procurement of hardware equipment was developed with the support of the EU and Council of Europe...

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Advancing Albania’s Reform Agenda, in line with European values: Human Rights and Democracy in the Spotlight

24 September 2024 TIRANA

The programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, a core co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, is a fundamental instrument in the hands of the public authorities in Albania to bring forward protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,...

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New course on combating trafficking in human beings in Serbia

19 September 2024 Belgrade

To support lawyers in effective protection of victims of trafficking and prosecuting perpetrators, a new HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) course has been launched within the action “Strengthening anti-trafficking action in Serbia”, in co-operation with the Serbian Bar...

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Serbia Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media enhances knowledge on advertising standards

5 September 2024, Belgrade/Serbia

Representatives of the Serbia’s Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) had the opportunity to learn more on commercial communications and explore possibilities for co-regulation and self-regulation in various areas. The training was designed to provide an overview of the European...

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Joining forces with women's organisations to combat violence against women in Türkiye

18 September 2024, Online

In the efforts to support civil society organisations in Türkiye to improve the accessibility and quality of legal aid services for women, an online discussion was organised with the support of European Union and Council of Europe. 34 civil society representatives (29 women and 5 men) exchanged...

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Montenegro judges and media unite to improve court transparency

20 September 2024 Podgorica

In a groundbreaking initiative, judges and media professionals in Montenegro met in Podgorica for the first time to strengthen collaboration on the dissemination of information from court proceedings. During the two-day event, participants delved into pressing issues, including the Council of...

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Advancing support to legal professionals in the efforts to improve women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans

17 September 2024 Western Balkans

The Mentoring Programme for legal professionals, an initiative of the EU and Council of Europe regional action “Women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans”, proved to be a unique tool for equipping justice professionals including judges and prosecutors with necessary resources to champion...

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Legislation Guide on the Protection of Migrant Children in Türkiye published

15 September 2024 Ankara

A new guide compiling Turkish domestic legislation and international human rights standards on child protection in the context of migration has been completed and published with the expert support of the European Union’s and Council of Europe’s joint action “Strengthening the human rights...

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Студијата за спречување на трговија со деца со цел трудова експлоатација, питачење и принудни бракови во Северна Македонија открива фактичка состојба и трендови

10 септември 2024 Скопје, Северна Македонија

Според третиот извештај за евалуација на Северна Македонија од 2023 година на Групата експерти на Советот на Европа за акција против трговијата со луѓе, најголем дел од жртвите на трговија со луѓе се деца. Иако повеќето од жртвите на трговија со деца биле изложени на сексуална експлоатација,...

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Protecting journalists and activists from SLAPPs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

3-4 September 2024 Jahorina

Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are a significant concern for journalists and activists, as they are used by political and economic power holders to suppress critical voices. Addressing this challenge from the perspective of journalists and lawyers, and exploring how to...

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Call for Applications: Intercultural Cities - invitation for the participation of towns and municipalities in Serbia to promote diversity and tolerance at local level

Within the action "Combating discrimination and promoting diversity in Serbia", part of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye", we are inviting local self-government units to apply for the new initiative to...

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Empowering mental health professionals on LGBTIQ counselling approach in Bosnia and Herzegovina

29 August 2024 Bosnia and Herzegovina

As part of the "Empower and Embrace" project, supported by EU and Council of Europe, the Centre for Psychological Support Sensus concluded the capacity building initiative on "Gender, Identity, and Sexuality" in Mostar and Foča, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 17 mental health professionals had the...

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Improving the monitoring of detention places in the context of migration in Türkiye

August 2024 Ankara

The "Guidelines for Monitoring of Detention Places" for the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Türkiye (HREIT) have been completed and published with the expert support of the European Union's and Council of Europe's joint action "Strengthening Human Rights Protection in the Context of...

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Combating Hate Speech and Discrimination through Education in the Municipality of Ilijaš

25 August 2024 Ilijaš, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the efforts to address hate speech and fight discrimination in the local communities of Ilijas in Bosnia and Herzegovina the initiative “Countering hate speech in the Municipality of Ilijaš” was successfully concluded. This initiative supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe...

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Council of Europe Recommendation on countering the use of SLAPPs, available in Albanian

26 August 2024 Albania

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted on 5 April 2024, the Recommendation CM/Rec(2024)2 on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs). The Committee of Ministers urged the member States to devise comprehensive and effective strategies to...

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22 август 2024 Северна Македонија

Собранието на Република Северна Македонија, на својата 12-та седница одржана на 13 август 2024, го донесе Законот за ратификација на Конвенцијата на Советот на Европа за пристап до официјални документи позната како Тромсо Конвенцијата. Со нејзиното донесување, Република Северна Македонија станува...

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Препораката на Европската комисија против расизмот и нетолеранцијата за спречување и борба против дискриминацијата кон ЛГБТИ лицата сега е достапна на македонски јазик

16 АВГУСТ 2024 Северна Македонија

Препораката за општи политики бр.17 на Европската комисија против расизмот и нетолеранцијата (ЕКРН) за спречување и борба против нетолеранцијата и дискриминацијата кон ЛГБТИ лицата сега е достапна на македонски јазик! Објавен во септември 2023 година, документот ги препознава постојаните...

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