Kragujevac schools celebrate the day of education for democratic culture

14 October 2024 Serbia

Mentor school for Democratic Culture, “Dragisa Lukovic Spanac” from Kragujevac, together with six local schools, marked the Day of Education for Democratic Culture with a series of creative, student-led activities aimed at promoting tolerance, diversity, and empathy in schools and the wider...

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Strengthening the legal reasoning of Montenegro’s Administrative Court

11 October 2024 Podgorica/Montenegro

With the aim of strengthening the quality of decisions in administrative disputes, intensive capacity building course was delivered to 14 judges and 14 advisors of the Administrative Court of Montenegro, focusing on skills needed to make a well-reasoned and fair decision. Through practical,...

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Curricula working group of the state institute for education improvement finalised connecting reference framework of competences for democratic culture with selected subjects of national curricula in Serbia

11 October 2024 Belgrade

Schools across Serbia will soon have access to a valuable new resource: the second volume of Guidelines for the Integration of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) in National Curricula. Developed by a team of education experts from the State Institute for the...

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Psychological aid is changing lives of marginalised groups in Bosnia Herzegovina under the joint EU and Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye"

Free psychological support: A key to living authentically

10 October Bosnia and Herzegovina

"When I first consulted a psychologist, I felt lost. I couldn't openly talk about my feelings with anyone around me. I felt like I was suffocating in my own thoughts. Free psychological support was my only way out. Through conversations with a psychologist, I began to understand my feelings and...

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New platform for reporting violence against LGBTI

10 October 2024 Bosnia and Herzegovina

A new website,, has been launched as a crucial tool for reporting hate crimes and hate speech against LGBTI individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This platform provides vital information and contacts for those who have experienced violence due to their sexual orientation or gender...

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Gearing up for Hackathon on inclusion and digital citizenship in Podgorica

11 October 2024 Podgorica

High school students from across Montenegro gathered on 11 October 2024 for an Info Day on the upcoming Hackathon on inclusion and digital citizenship. Organised by the Council of Europe’s Programme Office and the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, the event introduced participants to the...

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High-level officials of North Macedonia discussed necessary interventions following latest report of the Council of Europe Committee against Torture

North Macedonia 8 October 2024

In a high-level meeting, senior officials working on prison reform discussed the way forward to address the key challenges stemming from the main findings of the European Committee against Torture (CPT) 2023 report on North Macedonia. The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Raising awareness on free legal aid for human trafficking victims in Montenegro

05 October 2024 Montenegro

A new awareness raising initiative in Montenegro is putting the spotlight on free legal aid available to victims of human trafficking. An important part of this initiative are multilingual informational leaflets designed to inform victims about their legal rights. Created in collaboration with...

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Towards reducing discrimination in sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina

4 October 2024 Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina

In an effort to promote respect and diversity in sports, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with support of the European Union and the Council of Europe, organised a workshop in Sarajevo on October 4. The workshop aimed at reducing homophobia and transphobia in sports...

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во Северна Македонија ќе отпочне јавната иницијатива за подигање на свеста за борбата против трговијата со деца за присилни бракови

„Промени го мислењето - остани надвор од маѓепсаниот круг“

4 октомври 2024 година, Прилеп, Северна Македонија

Присилниот детски брак е еден од најчестите видови на трговија со луѓе, кој произлегува од кругот на сиромаштијата. Значителен број од жртвите на трговија со деца во Северна Македонија се жртви на трговија со луѓе за принуден брак, кои често се сексуално злоупотребувани и трудово експлоатирани....

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New pilot module to counter SLAPPs introduced for legal professionals

3 October 2024 Prevalla/Prizren

As part of its ongoing commitment to advance protection of freedom of expression in line with European standards, the Council of Europe Office in Pristina introduced for legal professionals in Kosovo* an importanttraining curriculum focused on countering the use of Strategic Lawsuits Against...

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Montenegro takes action to strengthen local response to human trafficking and boost victim support

4 October 2024 Montenegro

In a move to combat human trafficking and protect victims’ rights, three workshops were organised across Montenegro in September — gathering local authorities, social welfare centers, labour inspections, law enforcement, and judicial representatives. As part of the Strategy for the Fight Against...

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Во Сараево се одржа дводневна конференција на Советот на Европа


03.10.2024 САРАЕВО

Како да се одговори на предизвиците што ги носи зголемената употреба на информатичките и комуникациските технологии (ИКТ) за регрутирање, контрола и експлоатација на жртви на трговија со луѓе? Повеќе од 60 домашни и регионални експерти се состанаа на дводневна конференција во Сараево на 2 и 3...

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Montenegro police to boost human rights standards with new procedures

27 September 2024 Podgorica, Montenegro

Police officers in Montenegro are stepping up efforts to protect human rights through the introduction of newly developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). During two days of training, held on 26-27 September in Bijelo Polje, middle management staff from the Regional Centre “North” were...

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Building an equal and inclusive society: regional co-operation against racism

July-September 2024 Western Balkans

Recent initiatives took place in the framework of the programme, to address racism and intolerance by promoting regional co-operation while highlighting its importance as part of the EU accession process. By fostering dialogue and partnership among key Beneficiaries, these efforts seek to create...

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Regional co-operation key to tackling discrimination and racism

26-28 September 2024 Podgorica

Law enforcement institutions and civil society organisations (CSOs) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and the Republic of Moldova met in Podgorica on 26-28 September with the aim to address racism, discrimination, and the protection of minority groups, especially the LGBTI community. This...

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Advancing Serbia’s reform agenda in human rights, rule of law and democracy in line with European standards

26 September 2024 Belgrade, Serbia

Serbia has made progress on its reform agenda, ranging from strengthening human rights protections and anti-trafficking efforts to promoting equality, quality education for all, as well as safeguarding freedom of expression- all in the framework of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme,...

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Towards ending discrimination against blind chess players


Representatives from Serbia’s Ministry of Sport and the Government Agent before the ECtHR, as relevant government officials, and experts from the Council of Europe's Department for the Execution of Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, gathered in Belgrade on 24 September 2024 to...

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Equality bodies, public authorities and civil society organisations in Albania to join forces in the efforts to combat discrimination and hatred

23 September 2024 Tirana

Partners and beneficiaries of the action on Advancing the Protection from Discrimination in Albania valued the contribution of this co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, that aims to bring forward the effects of the reforms in the field of anti-discrimination and...

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Software to support a more efficient system of treatment of prisoners launched for the beneficiaries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

18-19 September 2024 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

For the first time in a prison of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation an Integrated Prison Management Information System (IPMIS) was put into function. This prison software together with the procurement of hardware equipment was developed with the support of the EU and Council of Europe...

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