The European Knowledge Centre on Youth Policy (EKCYP) is a virtual library of research on the conditions of young people, youth work and youth policy, supporting evidence-based youth policy-making by the development of an adequate knowledge base at European and national levels. The knowledge provided therein is constantly updated, further enriched and disseminated among European youth stakeholders. EKCYP data gathering is supported by a network of country correspondents appointed by the CDEJ (European Steering Committee on Youth).
The Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR) is a unique initiative on the European level and it represents a contribution of both the Council of Europe and the European Commission to evidence based policy-making in the field of youth.
The 2018 annual meetings looked at the contributions of both PEYR and EKCYP to European youth policy and youth work agendas. In addition, the two groups held a joint-day seminar on strengthening youth research in Eastern Europe and Caucasus countries. One of the continuous aims of EKCYP and PEYR is to support knowledge-based youth policy and practice and the development of a strong youth research infrastructure. EKCYP and PEYR members from Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EEAC) countries had repeatedly highlighted the need to promote investment in research in their countries. Such requests also came from other stakeholders in the region which is extremely diverse in terms of focus on youth policy-making and overall reform, as well as on resources put into youth research. While there is no regional cooperation on the topic, there are bilateral initiatives thinking about sharing resources and joining efforts in the youth field.
Objectives of the seminar on strengthening youth research in Eastern Europe and Caucasus countries:
- Understanding the reality of youth policy and youth work practice in EEAC and how youth research feeds into it
- Networking and exchanging with policy-makers, researchers and practitioners from the region
- Identifying, in dialogue with CDEJ representatives and policy makers, recommendations for strengthening youth research in EEAC region.
- Taking forward the common projects of EKCYP and PEYR on Youth Research: the Essentials (follow-up of the 2017 joint meeting) and other.