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A workshop on lessons learned through ROMACTED small grants held in Podgorica

14 June 2024 Podgorica, Montenegro

The workshop "Lessons learned through the process of implementation of ROMACTED small grants" was held in Podgorica on 14 June, as part of the second phase of the European Union and the Council of Europe programme ROMACTED II - Promoting good governance and empowerment of Roma at the local level....

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Introduction of Roma Integration Phase III at the ROMACTED II Advisory Group meeting in Ankara


Within the framework of the European Union - Council of Europe joint regional programmes, the Advisory Group Meeting for the ROMACTED-II Project, aimed at Promoting Good Governance and Roma Empowerment at Local Level, as well as the presentation of the "Roma Integration Phase III" Project were...

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Fostering Collaboration and Empowerment: ROMACTED II and Roma Integration III Joint Event

16-17 April 2024 Sarajevo

Representatives of 12 municipalities and Roma Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) convened at a joint event facilitated by the ROMACTED II Programme and the Roma Integration III, marking a significant step towards collaboration and empowerment. With over 50 participants, supported by the...

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“NO! to Antigypsyism, YES! to the Roma" cultural event marks International Roma Day in Skopje

8 April 2024 Skopje, North Macedonia

In celebration of the 8 April – International Roma Day, the joint programmes of the European Union and the Council of Europe, “ROMACTED – Phase II” and “Roma Integration – Phase III”, organised a cultural event titled "No to Antigypsyism, Yes to the Roma." The event, held on April 7th in Skopje...

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International Roma Day: a pledge of commitment in protecting and promoting the rights of the Roma community

8 April 2024 Pristina

On 8th of April, Council of Europe and the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg hosted the celebration of International Roma Day. The event gathered national and international institutions and members of the Roma civil society representing different municipalities.   Mr. Eric Dietz, Chargé...

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International Roma Day marked in Podgorica with a knowledge quiz

5 April 2024 Podgorica

"Knowledge is the universe, and differences make us better" — that was one of the messages from the Quiz without Borders which was organized on the 5th of April, for the occasion of the International Roma Day at KIC "Budo Tomović" In Podgorica, Montenegro. This event brought knowledge and culture...

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Celebrating Roma Heritage and Culture – International Roma Day marked in Serbia

4 April 2024 Pirot, Serbia

In commemoration of the International Roma Day, an event was organised at the Roma Cultural Centre in Pirot on the 4th of April 2024, to honour the richness of Roma culture, tradition, and identity. The event gathered distinguished guests, including Vladan Vasic - Mayor of Pirot, Janos Babity -...

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Article prepared by Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye 2023-2026

Facilitating dialogue between the Ombudsperson Office and Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro at the local level

20 december 2023 BERANE AND NIKSIC

The Ombudsperson’s Special Report on Roma and Egyptian communities in Montenegro was presented on 27 July and 14 December 2023 respectively in the municipalities of Berane and Nikšić at the presence of representatives of the local communities. The dialogue activities were the results of the...

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Article prepared by Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye 2023-2026

Right to free legal aid: round table held in Podgorica


“Access to justice under equal conditions and without discrimination on any grounds is one of the main principles of the rule of law”. This is a message from the round table „Right to free legal aid“, held in Podgorica that provided floor for discussion and exchange of experiences on the current...

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A debate on "Roma and Egyptians in multicultural Montenegro" was held to celebrate International Human Rights Day

12 December 2023 Podgorica, Montenegro

Although human rights are innate to every human being, they are not equally provided to everyone, especially to the most vulnerable groups, including Roma and Egyptians. This is one of the conclusions from the debate on "Roma and Egyptians in multicultural Montenegro", which was held on 12...

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