Horizontal Facility дополнително ја таргетира борбата против корупцијата, економскиот криминал, перењето пари и финансирањето на тероризмот, како и борбата против криминалот во животната средина, што ќе вклучува мерки за справување со транспарентноста на финансирањето на политичките партии, системите за декларација на имот, националните проценки на ризик и развој на капацитети на единиците за финансиско разузнавање.

Back Legislative proposal and support on non-conviction based seizure and forfeiture

Legislative proposal and support on non-conviction based seizure and forfeiture

The action against economic crime organised a needs' assessment meeting for the upcoming drafting of the law on origin of property. High level representatives of beneficiary institutions and longtime practitioners, including the President of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, discussed with Council of Europe consultants the difficulties they are facing when dealing with proofing the origin of property and the need for drafting a separate law.

Based on the discussions and the needs identified, as well as European and international standards and good practices, the activity will result with the development of a roadmap for the setup of a legislative framework to address illicit enrichment.

This assessment was conducted in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme Horizontal Facility II - Action against Economic Crime in North Macedonia which is supporting beneficiaries through technical assistance and expertise.

North Macedonia 30 MARCH 2021
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