Sustainability, environment and climate change
The impact of climate change has been recognised as a priority at the European policy level.
In order to support the institutional work in the area of sustainability, and Council of Europe Youth Department’s efforts at greening the youth sector, the Youth Partnership has developed several resources, including the T-kit on sustainability and youth work, Sustainability checklist, the analytical paper Disobedient youth: Lessons from the youth climate strike movement, research on sustainability and learning mobility, and numerous videos and podcasts.
Youth Knowledge Book #31: Youth and democracy in the climate crisis, edited by Jamie Gorman, Tomi Kiilakoski, Lana Pasic and Esther Vallado
Young people and climate litigation: situation mapping and recommendations for the youth sector, by Ondřej Bárta and Neringa Tumėnaitė
Coyote issue on sustainability
Sustainability checklist / short version for printing
T-kit on sustainability and youth work
Sustainability in learning mobility: exploratory study
Disobedient youth: Lessons from the youth climate strike movement
Greening the youth sector - sustainability checklist
What's up with the youth climate strike movement?
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