The Youth Partnership together with the Government of Malta is working on the preparation of the 4th European Youth Work Convention (EYWC). The Convention will be prepared and implemented by the ministry responsible for youth (Malta) through Malta's national youth agency (Agenzija Zghazagh) and the ministry responsible for EU funds (Malta) through the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA), together with the Youth Partnership on 28-30 May 2025, in Malta.

The work of the Steering Group will take the into account the EU Youth Strategy (Engage, Connect, Empower), the Council of Europe Youth sector strategy 2030, the European Youth Work Agenda and the Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec (2017)4 on youth work. It will be framed around the outcomes of the previous three conventions:

and the projects and activities carried out by the Youth Partnership connected to youth work.  Its work is also inherently linked to the discussions and decisions of the former Steering Group on the European Youth Work Agenda in 2022-23.


The first meeting of the Steering Group took place on 23-24 April 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.


The preparatory process will also follow up on the work and outcomes of the relevant Strategic National Agencies’ Cooperations (SNACs) and the European Conference on Local Youth Work and Democracy (20-23 February 2024 Brussels, Belgium) and its background documents: Mapping Existing European Youth Policy Strategies on Youth Work and Taking stock. Where are we now?


Members of the Steering Group

The Steering Group involves representatives of the partner institutions of the Youth Partnership, namely the European Union and the Council of Europe, and the European Youth Forum, the statutory bodies of the Council of Europe (Steering Committee on Youth (CDEJ) and the Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ)), national agencies of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes, SALTO Resource Centres as well as of the community of youth work practitioners.