In this section, you will find publications, web resources and events all connected directly or indirectly to the recognition of youth work. The list is not seen as being complete and it is acknowledged that the reader will see some as not relevant and would like to see others included. It is intended that this resources page should be updated regularly. The section paints a large picture of the recognition work that has and is being conducted across Europe.

Each resource is hyperlinked through its title and comes with a short summary. It is recommended that you use the tags to search for a particular theme or topic rather than scrolling through the long list of documents.

Back Youthpass and Recognition Essays

Titles and Author(s): 

  • Promoting and recognising learning in youth work, by Tomi Kiilakoski
  • Recognition of non-formal learning in Europe. Challenges and opportunities, by Florin Popa
  • Youthpass and Human Resource Development. The missing link towards employability, by Juan Ratto-Nielsen
  • Recognition needs zero stage. Convincing ourselves , by Ajša Hadžibegovic
  • The Youthpass process and Learning to Learn. Some ideas for practitioners, by Mark Taylor

Date: 2010 - 2019

Summary link to Recognition: 

The Youthpass website brings together five publications that explore different aspects related to the subject of recognition. Two of the publications approach the recognition of youth work directly and the other three more indirectly. 

The paper, “Recognition of Non-Formal Learning in Europe” explores non-formal learning in the context of youth work. It discusses the main obstacles and challenges to the wider recognition and social impact of non-formal learning in Europe. It discusses the motivations driving non-formal learning recognition, different types of recognition, the main obstacles and challenges, as well as possible ways of moving forward.

The publication “Recognition needs zero stage: Convincing ourselves!” explores that in order to reach social recognition we need to have self recognition. The publication tackles this concept of ‘internal’ or self recognition and explores the reasons for the uncertainties that exist in the sector as well as the poor participation of practitioners involved in the recognition process. The publication acts as a resource when it looks at how a number of recognition instruments can be used.

The other three publications provide insight into the recognition of learning in youth work. Understanding and recognising learning in youth work is not an overt step for the recognition of youth work. However, recognition of learning by the youth workers enables young people to better understand the learning they are experiencing. The more young people are able to recognise their learning in youth work the more they can transfer this understanding into their higher education possibilities, future employment opportunities and to their families, friends and communities in which they live. 

Tags: youthpass, recognition, non-formal education/learning, youth work

Resource Type: web resource, publication

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