Growing youth work in Europe: Results of the “Mapping European youth work ecosystems” study

Youth work in Europe has experienced significant growth over the past 15 years. Starting with the 1st European Youth Work Convention (EYWC) in 2010, efforts were made to align various approaches to youth work across Europe. Key milestones such as the 2nd EYWC (2015), the Council of Europe’s 2017 youth work recommendation, and the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) culminated in the creation of the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA). The EYWA aims to strengthen, innovate, and recognize youth work across Europe, with stakeholders like the EU and the Council of Europe leading efforts at all levels.

However, the involvement of diverse actors in implementing the EYWA has created challenges, including unclear coordination and resource overlaps. This study addresses these issues by mapping the European youth work ecosystem. It inventories actors, initiatives, and interactions within the EYWA framework, analyzing synergies, gaps, and their impact on youth work development. The study provides a systematic overview and offers recommendations for improving coordination and advancing the goals of the EYWA.

  Download the publication Growing youth work in Europe: Results of the “Mapping European youth work ecosystems” study

Putting the puzzle pieces together. Study on models for the recognition of youth workers competences in Europe.

This study, commissioned by the European Commission and the Council of Europe Partnership in Youth, explores scenarios for a pan-European framework to recognize youth workers’ competences. It reviews national and cross-border models from higher education, vocational training, and non-formal learning contexts, proposing two web-based accreditation models. Model A involves a two-stage system with self or peer assessment and a European-level governing board. Model B offers a single-stage process focused on accessible self-assessment for youth workers in the voluntary sector. The study highlights potential benefits for youth workers, institutions, and policymakers while addressing challenges in implementation, governance, and stakeholder impact.

  Download the publication Putting the puzzle pieces together. Study on models for the recognition of youth workers’ competences in Europe.

Youth brain drain from the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership and Türkiye

This study explores policy strategies to address youth brain drain and its impact on the youth sector in the Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership, and Türkiye. As global connectivity grows, many talented young people from these regions are increasingly moving abroad—mainly to EU countries—seeking education and work, causing significant human capital loss and economic and social challenges at home. The study analyses causes, consequences, and possible policy responses, examining the socio-economic and cultural effects on young people and the broader youth sector. Covering definitions of "young people" as per regional legislation, the five chapters present an overview, regional causes and effects of brain drain, policy implications, and youth sector interventions. It concludes with recommendations for transforming brain drain into brain circulation. Insights from interviews and surveys with experts and youth workers further enrich the analysis from a youth sector perspective.

  Download the publication Youth brain drain from the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership and Türkiye

Greening the youth sector. Sustainability checklist

 A healthy environment is a precondition for the preservation of life on our planet and, therefore, for the very enjoyment [...] [of] rights and liberties under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. [...][The] Council of Europe has a key role to play in mainstreaming the environmental dimension into human rights and pursu[ing] a rights-based approach to environmental protection.

Declaration by the Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, 2020

“Thinking green” is a continuous process, requiring creativity and adaptability while making the best choices for the future of humanity and our planet. It is hoped that additional guidance and references can help youth event organisers with this process.

Download the publication: Greening the youth sector. Sustainability checklist

Télécharger la publication : Rendre le secteur de la jeunesse plus vert. Liste de contrôle de la durabilité


Ecologizando el sector juvenil: Lista de comprobacion de sostenibilidad


        Brochure 'Sustainability checklist' (short version)

Guide to knowledge translation

Communicating youth research in six steps

Youth researchers gather knowledge and data about young people’s lives, providing much-needed evidence for the development of better and more relevant youth policy and youth work initiatives. But how do they explain their findings to others? In order for the acquired knowledge to support policy and practice, it is crucial that research findings are effectively communicated to policy makers, practitioners, youth organisations and young people.

Knowledge translation is a set of tools and activities that can help researchers in this process. This knowledge translation guide supports researchers in identifying the relevant findings and messages to be shared with different audiences, identifying their knowledge needs, developing communication materials and dissemination
strategies, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of such communication.

  Download the publication: Guide to knowledge translation

  Télécharger la publication : Guide sur la transmission des connaissances

Meaningful youth political participation in Europe: concepts, patterns and policy implications

Young people’s political participation has many diverse forms – it can be conventional and unconventional, including activities such as voting, being members of political parties, serving on a local youth council, engaging through a youth organisation or taking part in online political activism, boycotts or a protest movement. Contemporary engagement of young people in political processes is taking place within the context of a shrinking space for civil society, rapid digitalisation, advancement of populist ideologies, increased inequalities, a rise of global youth movements and a health pandemic.

The study “Meaningful youth political participation in Europe: concepts, patterns and policy implications” examines young people’s participation within this changing context, by reflecting on the key concepts of political participation, types of democratic environments within which young people engage with the system and various mechanisms of participation. Both conventional and unconventional types of participation are covered in this study. Avenues for conventional participation are explored through a reflection on the idea of political socialisation and learning democratic values through participation and non-formal learning. It follows with the presentation of concepts, examples, opportunities and challenges related to unconventional participation, and in particular the examination of inequality and exclusion. The study concludes with the reflections on the latest developments and future trends for youth political participation, with a focus on the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and recommendations for facilitating young people’s political participation.

Download the publication "Meaningful youth political participation in Europe: concepts, patterns and policy implications"

Social inclusion, digitalisation and young people

Social inclusion is a process that enables a young person to build up self-esteem, self-realisation and resilience, to become an autonomous and productive member of society, able to reach selffulfilment and contribute to the development of society as a whole. However, certain groups of young people face multidimensional barriers in this process.

This study explores the extent to which digitalisation can support the process of social inclusion for various groups of young people, such as youth with disabilities; NEET youth; young refugees and migrants; LGBTI youth; young women and girls; youth suffering from substance abuse or dependency; youth from minority ethnic, racial or religious backgrounds; socio-economically marginalised youth; homeless youth; youth in abusive households and those who have committed or have been a victim of crime.

The authors examine, using the literature review and data collected through the survey, the policy instruments developed by European, national and local authorities, aimed at addressing social inclusion within the context of increasing digitalisation. The study further presents a collection of existing digital platforms, online tools and educational and training opportunities available to young people and youth workers or teachers. Finally, it takes a critical look at the opportunities and risks associated with social inclusion of young people within an increasingly digitalised society.

Download the publication: Social inclusion, digitalisation and young people

Youth Work in Eastern Europe: Realities, perspectives and inspiring initiatives

How much do you know about youth work policies and realities in the eastern European countries involved in the Eastern Partnership initiative? With youth work becoming a key focus in European youth policy co-operation, this publication is a first attempt to explore the reality of youth work by country and across the region in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The publication draws on the expertise and knowledge shared during the peer learning on strengthening the capacity of youth work in eastern Europe, expert interviews and evidence gathered by the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth over recent years. It explores definitions, implementation, financing, education, training, methods, quality standards and infrastructure of youth work in European, national and local frameworks. More than 20 inspiring initiatives on youth work development complement the analysis. The final chapter includes a summary of country presentations.

We hope this will inspire youth policy makers, practitioners and researchers to contribute to strengthening the potential of youth work in the region and beyond.

Download the publication: Youth Work in Eastern Europe: Realities, perspectives and inspiring initiatives

Работа с молодежью в странах Восточной Европы: реальность, перспективы и успешные инициативы (Russian version)

Youth Work in South-East Europe

Social, political and economic turmoil in South-East Europe over the last three decades have affected young people, youth work and youth policy implementation in the region. This research, aimed at young people, youth workers, researchers and policy makers, offers a comprehensive insight into the perspectives, challenges and potential of youth work in 12 countries of South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo,* Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Türkiye.

The study analyses legal frameworks and youth policies at the national level, structures supporting youth work, educational opportunities for youth workers, recognition and validation of youth work and funding. It makes recommendations on how to advocate for better positions for youth workers and youth work in national and international contexts.

The findings indicate that while the youth sector in all the observed countries faces similar obstacles, youth workers and civil society organisations continue to demonstrate high levels of resilience, innovation and adaptability to sudden social changes, which have been essential for the youth sector’s growth and development in the region.

Download the publication: Youth Work in South-East Europe

* All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Youth policy evaluation review

For over 20 years, the partnership between the European Union and the Council of Europe in the field of youth has been gathering, analysing and disseminating knowledge for better youth policy and practice. Based on the principle of promoting knowledge-based youth policy and taking into account the benefits of youth policy evaluation, this review aims at supporting those involved at various levels in evaluating youth policy to enhance its relevance, effectiveness and impact. The lessons learned from the monitoring and evaluation of youth policy are extremely valuable to decision makers as they work to develop agile and adequate policy proposals to address young people’s needs.

In 2019, the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy correspondents contributed to showing how youth policy evaluation happens across 30 countries in Europe, what positive approaches exist and how young people are involved in such processes. The resulting review is the first publication in the youth sector on this topic. It seeks to answer the following questions.

  • What are the key concepts and steps in the youth policy monitoring and evaluation cycle, and how are young people involved?
  • What is the real situation at national level?
  • What good practice can be shared to inspire further initiatives?
  • What are the strengths of investing in youth policy monitoring and evaluation?
  • How can they contribute to promoting better understanding and a better impact of such policies in young people’s lives?

Download the publication: Youth policy evaluation review

Handbook on quality in learning mobility (2nd edition)

The importance and relevance of learning mobility in the youth field – the mobility of young people across regions and countries for a specific period of time, consciously organised for educational purposes – have been reinforced through the increasing number of projects and activities in Europe over the years. Good quality learning mobility can bring about positive outcomes for individuals, organisations and communities. For this reason, maintaining the focus on quality is of the utmost importance.

This handbook, first published in 2019, is the result of the work and discussions of experts, young people, youth workers, researchers, policy makers and donors. It is intended to support the organisers of learning mobility projects in the youth field at all stages of a project, from design to evaluation, and aims at providing immediate, clear and useful answers to questions on how to organise learning mobility projects with and for young people.

This second edition of the handbook has been prepared as a result of the changing context of youth learning mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic, including “virtual mobility”, and also takes into account other considerations such as environmental sustainability, mental health and the well-being of participants in youth mobility projects, and the values and attitudes reinforced by learning mobility.

Handbook on quality in learning mobility, 2nd edition (2024)

 Handbook on quality in learning mobility, 1st edition (2019)

 Manual de calidad en movilidad educativa (Spanish version, 1st edition)

Step-by-step together

Support, Tips, Examples and Possibilities for youth work with young refugees

The situation of young refugees in European societies is an important topic for human rights, democracy, living together in diversity and social cohesion. Among different sectors working for and with young refugees, youth work offers a diversity of spaces and initiatives for young refugees to become a full part of their communities and to have a voice in all matters that concern them.

This publication offers practical tools for youth work on the inclusion and participation of young refugees at local level. It focuses on youth participation and inclusion as key dimensions to build inclusive societies and, at the same time, to create an enabling environment for young refugees to be fully fledged actors of their personal and community development. It tackles the following themes: intercultural learning; access to social rights; young women refugees; youth participation and mental health and trauma.

Download the publication Step-by-step together

​​​​​​​​​​​​КРОК ЗА КРОКОМ разом

Youth work against violent radicalisation

Radicalisation leading to violence has become a growing issue of concern in Europe and its neighbouring regions. This emerging concern has highlighted the need to work with young people in order to address the root causes of extremism, but also promote living together and community cohesion. Youth work can play an important role in this respect. This study includes concepts that can be useful for youth work practitioners in understanding the phenomenon of radicalisation leading to violence. It includes 20 examples of youth work practices, grouped in five categories: peer education; online campaigns and digital media; co-operation with other stakeholders; providing opportunities; and education and training. It also analyses the needs and challenges youth work faces.

Youth work empowers young people to have a greater degree of autonomy, self-determination and control over their lives in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible way. Youth work also supports young people to deal with challenges they face and strengthens their resilience and critical thinking.

This study was prepared with input from the following partners: SALTO EuroMed, SALTO EECA, SALTO SEE, and the National Agencies of Erasmus+ Youth in Action of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and the United Kingdom.

 Download the study Youth work against violent radicalisation

Getting there...

In 2011 the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth organised, in co-operation with Jugend für Europa and the SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre, a symposium on recognition of youth work and non-formal learning. Participants of the symposium discussed the strategic working paper "Pathways 2.0 – towards recognition of non-formal learning/education and of youth work in Europe" and adopted a final statement which summarised the discussions in the symposium. They also elaborated on proposals for concrete follow-up activities and charged an expert group to transform these into a plan of action. All three documents – the Pathways 2.0 paper, the statement by the symposium’s participants and the Plan of Action – are contained in this publication. It aims to create a decentralised process for the implementation of actions leading to a better social, political and formal recognition of youth work and of non-formal learning/education in the youth field.

  Download the publication Getting There...

Guidelines for intercultural dialogue in non-formal learning / education activities

In 2009, a group of international organisations concerned with intercultural dialogue in non-formal learning jointly decided to carry on a feasibility study – initially under the coordination of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and later through the partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth – in order to understand the approaches to intercultural dialogue that youth organisations were using in their non-formal learning activities in Europe and the Euro-Mediterranean region. The results of the study revealed many different uses of the terminology, a diversity of approaches, but very few assessments or comprehensive guidelines. Considering such outcomes, a group of experts – trainers, practitioners, researchers – was brought together to develop a tool that serves as guidelines for trainers and facilitators who organise intercultural learning activities.

 Guidelines for intercultural dialogue in non-formal learning / education activities

Training: ATTE Series

Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe (ATTE) was a part-time programme for trainers active in training youth multipliers. ATTE was implemented successfully as a pilot course from November 2001 to October 2003, involving 30 trainers from 21 countries, it is innovative in its approach, methodology, structure, long-term perspective and intensity.

ATTE has been developed and organised within the Partnership Programme on European Youth Worker Training run by the European Commission and the Council of Europe. The Partnership Programme aims to contribute to quality in youth-worker training at European level, with an emphasis on integrating European Citizenship in youth work.

Volume 1 of this publication presents a full description of the ATTE training programme and its curriculum, and Volume 2 gives an external evaluation of the pilot course.

Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe. Volume 1 - Curriculum description (2005)

Author(s) : Miguel Angel García López (ed.)
ISBN : 92-871-5792-8
 Download the publication "Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe. Volume 1 - Curriculum description"

Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe. Volume 2 - External evaluation (2006)

Author(s) : Lynne Chisholm with Bryony Hoskins, Marianne Søgaard Sorensen, Lejf Moos, Ib Jensen
ISBN : 978-92-871-5797-3

 Download the publication "Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe. Volume 2 - External evaluation"

Visible value – Growing youth work in Europe

Handbook to support reflection and action

Since 2010, landmark youth work events, standards and processes have been launched at the European level. These processes have led to two important European-level policy documents: Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on youth work – the most encompassing European standard for youth work development at national and local levels, and the 2020 European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA), a framework document for European co-operation on youth work development adopted by the European Union Council and endorsed by the Council of Europe (the Organisation) youth statutory bodies. Building on the resources developed by the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership and the partner institution standards and support mechanisms for the youth work community of practice, this handbook is the result of a regional seminar held in Sarajevo in 2022.

The handbook starts with an introduction to European youth work concepts, milestone events and legal frameworks, and the priorities and commitments to their implementation by the Council of Europe and the European Union. The next part presents the realities of youth work in the two regions, based on studies by the EU–Council of Europe Youth Partnership, and identifies the global and European contexts, the common objectives, and challenges, as well as the role of different members of the community of practice. The handbook aims to give practical guidance, including reflection questions, ideas for action and good practices to inspire those actions.

We invite policy makers, youth work practitioners, actors planning or implementing strategies for youth work development at organisational, local or national level, to use the handbook. We encourage trainers and educators to include it in the reading lists, curricula and activities. Managers and leaders in youth centres, organisations or public bodies can explore within their own structures any topic reflected in this handbook and find inspiration for further action. Youth workers and youth work organisations can use it to sharpen the focus of their advocacy and volunteering activities.

So, call up your community of practice friends and let’s dive into the contents together!

      Download the publication "Visible value – Growing youth work in Europe"