Step by step guide for translation
It is very important for us to have our publications available to a wide audience in the youth field! This is why we encourage partners to translate our publications. We support our partners in the translation process through step-by-step assistance and quality check.
Are you interested in translating our publications?
This is what to do.
Send us an email indicating your interest to translate a publication. Tell us what you want to translate, to which language and how you plan to use the translation. If you already know the timeline for the translation, let us know. Add any other useful information. You will receive a reply to your request within 2 weeks. If your request is approved, we will send you the text for translation.
We offer a quality check of the translated publication. We will have the translation analysed to make sure that the terms in use in our field are appropriate and that the translation has a good quality. According to the length of the publication, this process can take between 2 weeks and 2 months. We encourage our partners to use the quality check process as a support to improving the quality of the translation.
Once the translation is finalised, we will send you the source file for layouting the translated publication.
After the layouting, our services will check that all the graphic elements and visual identity are well present in the layouted translation.
Printing and dissemination. We would be happy to receive a number of printed copies, so that we can also disseminate the translated publication.