You may wish to contact us for having futher information, for networking, for ordering publications, and so on.


The Youth Partnership team

Manager : Clotilde TALLEU

Youth Research and Policy Manager: Tanya BASARAB

Youth Research and Policy Manager: Lana PASIC

Senior Project Officer on Youth Work: László MILUTINOVITS

Junior Youth Project Officer: Álvaro SALAZAR GÁMEZ

Research and Youth Policy Assistant: Mojca KODELA-LESEMANN

Administrative and Project Assistant: Estelle GLESSINGER (out of office)

Administrative and Project Assistant: Adrian BRATU

Administrative and Project Assistant: Gaia CICERI

Administrative and Project Assistant: Dragana JOVANOVSKA

Webmaster - Communication officer: Lali BOUCHE (out of office)

Our offices

Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth
c/o Council of Europe
Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation
Youth Department


Agora - 1, quai Jacoutot
67075 Strasbourg Cedex


Brussels office
Avenue des Nerviens 85
B-1040 Brussels