Training for Trainers

ATTE Participants

 Download the list of Participants

The participants were practitioners – volunteers as well as professionals – in the field of training. They had relevant experience as trainers, preferably at European or international level and preferably in the youth field, with a need to further develop their training competencies. They were committed to work as European level trainers in the youth field in the future.

Specifically, participants

  • had international experience with a function of responsibility (not only as a participant), preferably in the youth field;
  • had relevant experience as trainers (not only as training organisers), preferably at European or international level and preferably in the youth field;
  • had acquired a basic knowledge of the programmes of the Council of Europe and of the European Union in the youth field prior to the beginning of the course;
  • had the potential and need to further develop their training competencies and act as a European level trainers in the youth field;
  • were committed to develop and implement training activities, with special emphasis on European Citizenship, within the programmes of the Council of Europe and the European Union in the youth field;
  • developed and implemented training projects together with other course participants as part of this training course;
  • were open and have the potential to be partners in a European level training project;
  • were supported by an organisations, associations or institutes – governmental or non-governmental; 
  • were able to work well in English as trainers and have basic skills to communicate in another European language;
  • were motivated to contribute to the learning process of the training course;
  • were committed to attend for the full duration and in all elements of the course.

There were 30 participants altogether.

They all came from the Member States of the Council of Europe and the European Union and from other states signatory of the European Cultural Convention [1].

1 - next to the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe, the following counties are signatories of the European Cultural Convention: Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Holy See, FR Yugoslavia

Training quality products (TQP) 2003

As part of their participation in the two-year training programme Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe – ATTE (2001 to 2003), the participant trainers were asked to develop a final product in the training course. The purpose of these "Training Quality Products" or TQPs was to contribute to quality in European youth worker training and to demonstrate their competencies in the field. Participant trainers had freedom to choose the topic and focus of their TQPs, such as the documentation of a training and learning process, the conceptualisation of a training practice, a training manual, a comparative study. They could also choose from a variety of forms (a text, a video, a website, a CD-ROM or the like).

Summaries of Training Quality Products submitted by ATTE participant trainers can be found below. A number of them can be downloaded in their full version. The ownership of these Training Quality Products is with the authors whose rights should be respected.

Any comments or questions should be addressed to the authors of the TQPs concerned. General questions about the Partnership Programme on European Youth Worker Training or the ATTE long-term training course should be addressed to the Partnership Secretariat.

The Partnership Programme published these TQPs without editing and does not assume responsibility for their contents or that of the reference documents and web sites therein.
