Ensuring efficient, accessible and quality legal aid in the Western Balkans

July - September 2024 Western Balkans

Enhancing legal practices in line with European values and promoting an efficient justice across Western Balkans Beneficiaries is a main priority of respective actions in the field of strengthening justice. Efforts are directed at working closely with justice governing institutions, courts and...

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Protecting human rights of persons deprived of liberty, in line with European standards

July - September Western Balkans & Türkiye

One of the programme’s priorities is to support public authorities and local actors to improve the protection of human rights of persons deprived of liberty in the areas of police, prisons, mental health care institutions, and monitoring mechanisms. The actions taken are aimed at raising...

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Strengthening the legal reasoning of Montenegro’s Administrative Court

11 October 2024 Podgorica/Montenegro

With the aim of strengthening the quality of decisions in administrative disputes, intensive capacity building course was delivered to 14 judges and 14 advisors of the Administrative Court of Montenegro, focusing on skills needed to make a well-reasoned and fair decision. Through practical,...

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High-level officials of North Macedonia discussed necessary interventions following latest report of the Council of Europe Committee against Torture

North Macedonia 8 October 2024

In a high-level meeting, senior officials working on prison reform discussed the way forward to address the key challenges stemming from the main findings of the European Committee against Torture (CPT) 2023 report on North Macedonia. The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Ка заустављању дискриминације слепих шахиста


Представници Министарства спорта Србије и представник Владе пред Европским судом за људска права (ЕСЉП), као и релевантни државни службеници, и стручњаци из Одељења Савета Европе за извршење пресуда ЕСЉП, окупили су се 24. септембра 2024. у Београду како би разговарали о унапређењу извршења...

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Montenegro police to boost human rights standards with new procedures

27 September 2024 Podgorica, Montenegro

Police officers in Montenegro are stepping up efforts to protect human rights through the introduction of newly developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). During two days of training, held on 26-27 September in Bijelo Polje, middle management staff from the Regional Centre “North” were...

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Advancing Albania’s Reform Agenda, in line with European values: Human Rights and Democracy in the Spotlight

24 September 2024 TIRANA

The programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, a core co-operation initiative of the European Union and Council of Europe, is a fundamental instrument in the hands of the public authorities in Albania to bring forward protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms,...

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Advancing support to legal professionals in the efforts to improve women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans

17 September 2024 Western Balkans

The Mentoring Programme for legal professionals, an initiative of the EU and Council of Europe regional action “Women’s access to justice in the Western Balkans”, proved to be a unique tool for equipping justice professionals including judges and prosecutors with necessary resources to champion...

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Ново издање курса о борби против трговине људима

19. септембра 2024. Београд

године, започет је нови HELP курс (Образовање о људским правима за правнике) о борби против трговини људима који ће подржати адвокате и адвокатице из Србије да ефикасније заштите жртаве трговине људима и процесуирају починиоце. Курс се спроводи у оквиру пројекта „Јачање борбе против трговине...

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Software to support a more efficient system of treatment of prisoners launched for the beneficiaries of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

18-19 September 2024 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

For the first time in a prison of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation an Integrated Prison Management Information System (IPMIS) was put into function. This prison software together with the procurement of hardware equipment was developed with the support of the EU and Council of Europe...

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Одржана фокус група о могућим изменама и допунама Закона о заштити података у Србији са нагласком на слободу изражавања

8. август 2024. Београд

Деликатна равнотежа између заштите података и слободе изражавања појавила се као критично питање у домену новинарства. Усвајање закона о заштити података од стране Владе Србије 2018. године означило је значајан корак у усклађивању националног законодавства са Општом уредбом Европске уније о...

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Assisting Turkish lawyers about the application of detention in the context of migration, aligned with European standards

7 August 2024 Ankara

In the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint action on “Strengthening the human rights protection in the context of migration in Türkiye,” in co-operation with the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, 133 lawyers from İzmir, Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin and Bursa Bar...

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High Inspector of Justice in Albania enhances capacities on thematic inspections

27-31 MAY 2024 Tirana/Albania

The European Union and the Council of Europe are supporting the capacities of the High Inspector of Justice (HIJ) in Albania with the methodology for preparing and conducting classic thematic inspection missions, based on best European standards and practices. Participating in a training seminar...

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Published new Guide on the Albanian Constitutional Court's jurisprudence on property rights for legal professionals

23 July 2024 Tirana

The latest resource material for legal professionals, on the case-law of the Albanian Constitutional Court regarding property rights, is now available in Albanian. This guide aims to enhance the understanding and implementation of property rights in Albania, aligning with the standards set by the...

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Montenegro: Published Judicial Reform Strategy 2024-2027 and Action Plan for its implementation 2025-2025

23 July 2024 Montenegro

The Government of Montenegro has adopted the Judicial Reform Strategy 2024-2027 and Action Plan for its implementation 2024-2025 on 17 May 2024, with the aim to ensure the continuity of reform based on public policy long-term planning which began with the Judicial System Reform Project in 2000....

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Attorneys in North Macedonia deepen their knowledge in addressing ethical dilemmas

19 July 2024 North Macedonia

42 attorneys from North Macedonia successfully completed the online HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) course on “Ethics for judges, prosecutors and lawyers.” The course covers in an interactive way the key concepts, the International and European framework and the relevant...

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Study visit to Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights inspires future legal professionals

17 July 2024 Strasbourg

Nine students and their mentor from the University of Southeast Europe in North Macedonia and Aleksander Xhuvani University in Elbasan, Albania, winners of a Moot Court competition, embarked on a study visit to the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on 17 July 2024....

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Promoting inclusivity: new brochure on the Administrative Court published in multiple languages

22 July 2024 Podgorica

To enhance public understanding of the Administrative Court's role in overseeing the lawful conduct of public authorities, a brochure detailing the essential Court’s work and functions was recently published in official language/languages in the official use in Montenegro, as well as in Romani...

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Enhancing justice: Launch of specialised communication training for prosecutors and police officers

18 - 19 July 2024 Podgorica

Effective communication is one of the cornerstones of successful relationships between rule of law institutions and citizens. By honing communication skills, prosecutors and police officials can enhance their ability to present their work accurately, build stronger relationships with public and...

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Council of Europe HELP Course on Access to Justice for Women launched to empower Judges and Prosecutors from the Western Balkans

17 April 2024 Western Balkans (online)

In a significant step towards enhancing gender-sensitive legal practices and strengthening the capacity of judges and prosecutors in addressing gender bias in the judiciary in the Western Balkans, the regional HELP course on Access to Justice for Women was launched with the support of the EU...

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