Publikime rreth lirisë së shprehjes
Recommendation CM/Rec (2024)2 on countering the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) – translation
Serbian version (PDF 472 Kb)
Albanian version (PDF 472 Kb)
Behind the headlines: Threats, attacks and pressure on journalists in Serbia
English version (PDF 616 Kb)
Serbian version (PDF 572 Kb)
Towards coregulation of harmful content online in Bosnia and Herzegovina
English version (PDF 964 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 1.20 Mb)
Handbook on European data protection Law
Serbian version (PDF 3.71 Mb)
Study on Serbia's Regulatory Authority’s legal framework and its alignment with European standards
English version (PDF 1.00 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 1.07 Mb)
European Court of Human Rights’ Guide to the case-law on data protection
Serbian version (PDF 1.98 Mb)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on promoting a favourable environment for quality journalism in the digital age
Macedonian Version (PDF 1.83 Mb)
Survey on media literacy among preschool children in Serbia
English version (PDF 612 Kb)
Serbian version (PDF 656 Kb)
Recommendation CM/Rec (2022) 16 on Combating Hate Speech (translation)
Macedonian version (PDF 1.95 Mb)
Assessment: Economic vitality and sustainability of the audio-visual media industry in the digital environment in North Macedonia
Macedonian Version (PDF 1.7 Mb)
Guide to Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights — Freedom of Expression
Albanian version (PDF 2.39 Mb)
Analysis of the case-law on freedom of expression and safety of journalists
English version (PDF 1230 Kb)
Macedonian version (PDF 1380 Kb)