Publikime rreth luftës kundër diskriminimit
Mapping responses to hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A situational analysis and mapping report
English version (PDF 3.95 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 8.55 Mb)
Commentary to the Law on National Councils of National Minorities
Serbian version (PDF 5.65 Mb)
Analysis of the quality assurance system in higher education and the Law on academic integrity
English and Montenegrin version (PDF 1.38 Mb)
Trends in trafficking in human beings in Türkiye: analysis and action proposals
English version (PDF 1.38 Mb)
Turkish version (PDF 1.43 Mb)
Handbook for legal aid lawyers on women’s access to justice in Türkiye
English version (1.29 Mb)
Turkish version (4.39 Mb)
Quality history education in the 21st century
Serbian version (PDF 1.35 Mb)
Labour trafficking in Serbia: risk factors, trends and challenges
English version (PDF 2.44 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 2.45 Mb)
Plani Strategjik 2022 -2026 i Komisionerit për Mbrojtjen nga Diskriminimi
Versioni Shqip (PDF 1.38 Mb)
Versioni Anglisht (PDF 1.39 Mb)
Roma cultural capital: literary work of dr Hedina Tahirovic-Sijercic
Bosnian version (PDF 6.42 Mb)
Guidelines for integration of RFCDC in selected subjects of national curricula
English version (PDF 6.21 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 12.7 Mb)
Democratic culture in the digital environment – a handbook for schools
English version (PDF 2.76 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 2.89 Mb)
Growing up in a democratic family: a manual for parents with sections on ages 6 – 10 and 11 – 14
English version (PDF 15.4 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 9.29 Mb)
Living in a democratic family: a manual for parents of adolescents age 15 to 19
English version (PDF 20.4 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 12 Mb)
Additional materials to use with your children
Co-operation organiser
English version (PDF 780 Kb)
Serbian version (PDF 283 Kb)
Our democratic family – poster
English version (PDF 1.88 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 592 Kb)
Table game
English version (PDF 596 Kb)
Serbian version (PDF 392 Kb)
State criteria for the monitoring and improving the implementation of recommendations linked to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Bosnian version (PDF 3.46 Mb)
Study on the phenomenon of child trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina
English version (PDF 2.58 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 2.56 Mb)
Report on the use of hate speech in Serbian media
English version (PDF 1.05 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 1.07 Mb)
Patterns and degree of discrimination in Montenegro, Center for Democracy and Human Rights
English version (PDF 11.09 Mb)
Montenegrin version (PDF 10.76 Mb)
Analytical report
English version (PDF 4.76 Mb)
Montenegrin version (PDF 4.77 Mb)
Manual for police officers for the work with LGBTIQ persons
Montenegrin version (PDF 4.98 Mb)
Compendium of good practices in addressing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Bosnian version (PDF 780 Kb)
Speak peace! Hate speech is not an option
English version (PDF 2.43 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 2.46 Mb)
Macedonian version (PDF 2.53 Mb)
Montenegrin version (PDF 2.41 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 2.47 Mb)
Doracak për shtetësinë digjitale
2021-2024 Action Plan to improve the state of human rights and fundamental freedoms of LGBTI people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
English version (PDF 860 Kb)
Bosnian version (PDF 812 Kb)
Leaflet: Ombudsperson, gender equality and the rights of LGBTI persons
Serbian version (PDF 390 Kb)
Quality education for all in Montenegro: Quality school – quality education
English version (PDF 1.42 Mb)
Montenegrin version (PDF 848 Kb)
Gap analysis of the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases in Türkiye
English version (PDF 3.07 Mb)
Turkish version (PDF 3.07 Mb)
Understanding barriers to women's access to justice and legal aid in Türkiye
English version (1.47 Mb)
Turkish version (3.04 Mb)
Handbook on strategic litigation in the area of women's rights
English version (732 Kb)
Turkish version (4.80 Mb)
Study “Assessing the age of children at risk of trafficking in human beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina”
English version (PDF 21.9 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 24.9 Mb)
Guidelines for the protection of the private life and personal data of victims of human trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina
English version (PDF 3.40 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 5.42 Mb)
Towards better understanding of LGBTI persons' rights and their position in the society (Centre for free elections and democracy)
English version (PDF 1.62 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 1.71 Mb)
Guidelines for the work of National Councils of national minorities in Serbia
Albanian version (PDF 1.86 Mb)
Bosnian version (PDF 1.82 Mb)
Bulgarian version (PDF 1.89 Mb)
Bunjevac version (PDF 1.82 Mb)
Croatian version (PDF 1.81 Mb)
Czech version (PDF 1.82 Mb)
Hungarian version (PDF 1.87 Mb)
Macedonian version (PDF 1.88 Mb)
Montenegrin version (PDF 1.80 Mb)
Romanian version (PDF 1.86 Mb)
Romany version (PDF 1.86 Mb)
Ruthenian version (PDF 1.86 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 2.73 Mb)
Slovak version (PDF 1.83 Mb)
Mësimi i kompetencave për kulturë demokratike online
Versioni Anglisht (PDF 7 349 Kb)
Hapa të thjeshtë për të ndihmuar fëmijën tuaj të bëhet një qytetar digjital
Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
Volume 1: Context, concepts and model
English version (PDF 3.96 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 566 Kb)
Volume 2: Descriptors of competences
English version (PDF 3.23 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 480 kb)
Volume 3: Guidance for implementation
English version (PDF 6.03 Mb)
Serbian version (PDF 832 Kb)
No Hate Speech Manual for civil servants in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian version (PDF 1.57 Mb)
Guidë xhepi mbi dedektimin, identifikimin paraprak dhe referimin e viktimave të trafikimit nga inspektorët e punës
Kërkim mbi praktikat/trajtimin juridik të viktimave të trafikut human në Maqedoninë e Veriut
Rekomandimi i Përgjithshëm Politik Nr. 15 i ECRI-t mbi Luftën Kundër Gjuhës së Urrejtjes
Versioni Boshnjak (PDF 1.01 Mb)
Lesson plans for young learners - in Serbian
Recommendations for inclusive education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Preventing Trafficking in Children (for students)
Macedonian version (PDF 78 816 Kb)
Albanian version (PDF 83 421 Kb)
Romany version (PDF 78 734 Kb)