Back Assisting authorities in drafting the legal framework for the regulation of lobbying in Montenegro

Assisting authorities in drafting the legal framework for the regulation of lobbying in Montenegro

The Working Group for the drafting of the Law on lobbying met on 27 May 2022 in the framework of the Action against economic crime in Montenegro.

During the working session, the members of the group discussed the current state of the draft Law on lobbying that had been prepared with the assistance of the Action; as well as the recommendations for improvement, also produced by the action; and the challenges ahead in the drafting process.

With the support of a Council of Europe expert, the Working Group has produced the outlines of nine pieces of the secondary legislation, which detail matters - such the contents of the registry of lobbyists; a lobbying exam; licensing and registration of lobbyist; how to report on contacts by lobbyists, as well as on violations of the Law.

In closing their meeting, the Working Group launched the process for the drafting of the secondary legal framework that will contribute to the effective implementation of the legal provisions for the regulation of lobbying in Montenegro.

This meeting was organised within the framework of the Action against economic crime in Montenegro, which is a part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019 – 2022”.

Podgorica 10 June 2022
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