Back Lawyers and legal professionals in Kosovo* raise their knowledge on protection of whistle-blowers

Lawyers and legal professionals in Kosovo* raise their knowledge on protection of whistle-blowers

Lawyers from different regions were part of the in-depth discussions in the field of whistleblowing. Specific aspects of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, its criteria for assessing cases and the application in practice of standards of the ECtHR were the subject of discussion during the first sessions. On the other hand, the JUFREX certified local trainer provided information about local legislation, types of whistleblowing, legal protection and other mechanisms.

The content of the presentations of local and international trainers raised discussion on the implementation of local legislation and the challenges faced by lawyers. Case studies from the jurisprudence of the ECtHR were discussed in groups and at the end the possible solutions on the case were presented by participants. The event was organised in co-operation with the Kosovo Bar Association.

This initiative is conducted in the framework of the action “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Media in Kosovo", which is part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II”, a co-operation initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe, which aims at assisting Beneficiaries in the Western Balkans region and Turkey to comply with the Council of Europe standards and European Union acquis in the framework of the enlargement process, where relevant.




* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Gjakova / Djakovica 14-15 June 2022
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* Ky përkufizim është pa paragjykim ndaj qëndrimeve për statusin, dhe është në përputhje me Rezolutën e Këshillit të Sigurimit të Kombeve të Bashkuara 1244/1999 dhe Opinionin e GJND-së mbi shpalljen e pavarësisë së Kosovës.