Në varësi të nevojave dhe prioriteteve të përfituesve në fjalë, puna në këtë fushë përqëndrohet në mbështetjen për institucionet e avokatit të popullit, edukimin gjithëpërfshirës (adresimi i racizmit, bullizmit, segregimit dhe ekstremizmit në sistemin arsimor, korrupsioni në arsim), adresimin e trafikimit të qenieve njerëzore (me fokus në ndihmën për viktimat e trafikimit), luftën kundër diskriminimit ndaj pakicave kombëtare dhe/ose kur bazohet në orientimin seksual ose identitetin gjinor.

Back Quality education for all: ministerial peer exchange between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

Quality education for all: ministerial peer exchange between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

On 14 November 2019, the members of the Advisory Board of the new Horizontal Facility Action “Quality Education for All” visited their colleagues from Serbia to discuss specific practices on how to foster democratic school culture and how to include migrant children in education system.

Representatives of all beneficiary institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the meeting, namely: the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska, the Ministry of Education and Science of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cantonal Ministries of Education together with representatives from European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The meeting focused on sharing experiences on the implementation of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture in Serbia within Phase I (2016-2019) of the Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkan and Turkey and sharing practices on inclusion of migrant children in education system in Serbia.

Representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina also shared their expectations and challenges in the implementation of the “Quality Education for All” project, to be implemented within the Phase II of the Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkan and Turkey, aiming to foster a quality education for all by promoting inclusion and solutions to address discrimination in the education system. It builds upon the results achieved during the implementation of the previous action “Quality Education in Multi-ethnic Societies” and supports effective implementation of the Policy recommendations with a roadmap developed jointly and endorsed by relevant ministries at state level, entity ministries of education and 10 cantonal ministries of education in May 2019.

The “Quality Education for All” is implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey II.

Belgrade 20 November 2019
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