Në varësi të nevojave dhe prioriteteve të përfituesve në fjalë, puna në këtë fushë përqëndrohet në mbështetjen për institucionet e avokatit të popullit, edukimin gjithëpërfshirës (adresimi i racizmit, bullizmit, segregimit dhe ekstremizmit në sistemin arsimor, korrupsioni në arsim), adresimin e trafikimit të qenieve njerëzore (me fokus në ndihmën për viktimat e trafikimit), luftën kundër diskriminimit ndaj pakicave kombëtare dhe/ose kur bazohet në orientimin seksual ose identitetin gjinor.

Back Orientation day for Montenegrin “Quality education for all” action`s call for proposal

Orientation day for Montenegrin “Quality education for all” action`s call for proposal

Around ten civil society organisations (CSOs) participated in the Orientation day which took place online on 7 July 2020.

The Orientation day was organised to assist potential applicants in preparing project proposals of good quality aimed at promoting a democratic education environment with the involvement of the local community. The call itself was launched on 23 June 2020 under the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, and its action on “Quality education for all” in Montenegro.

The Orientation day provided the group with an introduction to the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC) as well as insight into good practices in developing CDC school based projects. The group was also informed about what components proposals should include and to which types of activities preference will be given to. Attendance or absence from Orientation day is without prejudice to the success of project proposal. Each and every civil society organisation in Montenegro is free to apply to the call.

The CSO representatives all took note of the information presented to them and announced their applications to the call.

Podgorica 10 July 2020
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