Natrag The National Commission on the fight against trafficking in North Macedonia and its Sub-group on child protection enhance their strategic planning

Skopje 22 November 2023
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The National Commission on the fight against trafficking in North Macedonia and its Sub-group on child protection enhance their strategic planning

The National Commission on the fight against trafficking in human beings in North Macedonia and its Sub-group on child trafficking prevention successfully completed the preparation of their respective action and operational plans. It is expected that they will enhance compliance with the recommendations of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), set out in their third evaluation report of the implementation of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings by North Macedonia.

The Action Plan, supported by EU and Council of Europe, provides key actions, interventions and expected results in the fight against trafficking, in accordance with GRETA recommendations. It informs on the progress in implementing each GRETA recommendation, enabling the National Commission to further prioritise its interventions and deepen its strategic role in this regard. In the same time, it serveс as a tool for co-ordination of the assistance and support, provided to the anti-trafficking institutions by the international partners.

The Operational plan 2023-2025 of the Sub-group on child trafficking prevention builds on the results of its previously performed plans. The Sub-group also adopted its first Report on the tasks and competencies of the Sub-group on child trafficking informing about the activities which were implemented, based on the Operational plan of the Subgroup 2021-2022.

The action “Strengthening anti-trafficking action in North Macedonia” is supporting the National Commission and its Sub-group in the process of enhancing their strategic planning in accordance with GRETA recommendations. This action is part of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, phase III.  



Horizontal Facility III

Zajednički program Europske unije i Vijeća Europe pod nazivom „Horizontal Facility za Zapadni Balkan i Tursku“ (Horizontal Facility III) inicijativa je za suradnju koja se provodi od 2023. do 2026. godine.

Program obuhvaća aktivnosti u Albaniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Kosovu*, Crnoj Gori, Sjevernoj Makedoniji, Srbiji i Turskoj. Programom se pomaže korisnicima da ispune svoje planove reformi u području ljudskih prava, vladavine prava i demokracije te da usklade standarde s europskim standardima, što je ujedno i prioritet za proces proširenja EU-a.

Treća faza programa vrijedi 41 milijun eura (85 % financira Europska unija, 15 % Vijeće Europe).

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* Ova oznaka ne prejudicira stavove o statusu i ista je u skladu s Rezolucijom Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a 1244 i Mišljenjem Međunarodnog suda pravde o Deklaraciji o neovisnosti Kosova.