How do citizens shape Europe? What support is offered for young people to do so? How to develop young people’s citizenship with a European dimension? What is the role of the youth sector in supporting development of young people’s European Citizenship, and particularly of youth work? What new forms of European Citizenship do we see emerging today? What kinds of citizenship do European or international programmes support? What further tools and knowledge are needed for the youth field in order to respond to contemporary realities and challenges of citizenship with a European dimension?
To discuss these questions, the EU-CoE youth partnership organised on 3 and 4 May 2018, at the European Youth Centre, in Strasbourg, France, a seminar to explore concepts, approaches and programmes related to citizenship education with young people, and, therein, the role of youth work and the role of the theme of Europe and European Citizenship.
The seminar offered a space for sharing updates, initiatives, concerns, ideas, approaches and contents on how citizenship education with young people can be strengthened, especially in its European dimension.
The seminar brought together 30 representatives of institutions, foundations, networks and organisations supporting citizenship education with young people. The seminar was foreseen mostly for entities supporting, in different ways and using different approaches, citizenship education, either in the youth field specifically, or more broadly in the field of civic participation and activism.
- Reflect on the concepts, approaches and challenges of citizenship education with young people, particularly in relation to youth work and to the European dimension
- Learn from different practices, tools and initiatives that support citizenship education with young people
- Identify further needs for reinforcing this field, including in regards to the work of the EU-CoE youth partnership
- Offer a space for networking and sharing of information among different entities.
- Raising the understanding of the role of citizenship education with young people in Europe today, particularly in the youth work settings
- Identifying new tools for supporting young people’s citizenship with a European dimension, particularly useful for youth work settings
- Mapping the opportunities for working on new concepts in the field of citizenship education with young people and youth work
- Dissemination of the work of the EU-CoE youth partnership and the approaches and initiatives of the invited representatives.