CoE standards and legal instrumentsResources
Strategic documents
- Council of Europe activities on Roma and Traveller Inclusion
- Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020‑2025) [Romani]
- Thematic Action Plan on the Inclusion of Roma and Travellers (2016-2019)
- Updating the Council of Europe agenda on Roma inclusion (2015-2019)
- Final Declaration of the Summit of Mayors (22 September 2011)
- The Strasbourg Declaration on Roma, High Level Summit (20 October 2010)
Texts adopted by the Committee of Ministers
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the inclusion of the history of Roma and/or Travellers in school curricula and teaching materials
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on improving access to justice for Roma and Travellers in Europe
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)9 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on mediation as an effective tool for promoting respect for human rights and social inclusion of Roma
- Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the Rise of Anti-Gypsyism and Racist Violence against Roma in Europe
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the education of Roma and Travellers in Europe
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)5 of the Committee of Ministers on policies for Roma and/or Travellers in Europe
- Recommendation Rec(2006)10 of the Committee of Ministers on better access to health care for Roma and Travellers in Europe
- Recommendation Rec(2005)4 of the Committee of Ministers on improving the housing conditions of Roma and Travellers in Europe
- Recommendation Rec(2004)14 of the Committee of Ministers on the movement and encampment of Travellers in Europe
- Recommendation Rec(2001)17 of the Committee of Ministers on improving the economic and employment situation of Roma/Gypsies and Travellers
- Recommendation Rec(2000)4 of the Committee of Ministers on the education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe
- Recommendation Rec(83)1 of the Committee of Ministers on stateless nomads and nomads of undetermined nationality
- Resolution Res(75)13 of the Committee of Ministers containing recommendations on the social situation of nomads in Europe
Texts adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- Resolution 2153 (2017) Promoting the inclusion of Roma and Travellers
- Resolution 1927 (2013) Ending discrimination against Roma children
- Recommendation 2003 (2012) of the Parliamentary Assembly on Roma migrants in Europe
- Recommendation 1941 (2010) of the Parliamentary Assembly on Roma asylum seekers in Europe
- Recommendation 1924(2010) of the Parliamentary Assembly on the situation of Roma in Europe and relevant activities of the Council of Europe
- Resolution 1768 (2010) of the Parliamentary Assembly on Roma asylum seekers in Europe
- Resolution 1760 (2010) of the Parliamentary Assembly on the recent rise in national security discourse in Europe: the case of Roma
- Resolution 1740(2010) of the Parliamentary Assembly on the situation of Roma in Europe and relevant activities of the Council of Europe
- Recommendation 1633 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly on Forced Returns of Roma from the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, including Kosovo, to Serbia and Montenegro from Council of Europe member States
- Recommendation 1557 (2002) of the Parliamentary Assembly on the legal situation of Roma in Europe
- Recommendation 1203 (1993) of the Parliamentary Assembly on Gypsies en Europe
- Recommendation 563 (1969) of the Consultative Assembly on the situation of Gypsies and other travellers in Europe
Texts adopted by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
- Resolution 403(2016) The situation of Roma and Travellers in the context of rising extremism, xenophobia and the refugee crisis in Europe
- Recommendation 388(2016) The situation of Roma and Travellers in the context of rising extremism, xenophobia and the refugee crisis in Europe
- Resolution 366 (2014) and Recommendation 354 (2014): Empowering Roma youth through participation: effective policy design at local and regional levels
- Recommendation 315 (2011) on the situation of Roma in Europe: a challenge for local and regional authorities
- Resolution 333 (2011) on the situation of Roma in Europe: a challenge for local and regional authorities
- Resolution 44 (1997) on "Towards a Tolerant Europe: the contribution of Roma"
- Recommendation 11 (1995) on "Towards a Tolerant Europe: the contribution of the Roma (Gypsies)"
- Resolution 249 (1993) on Gypsies in Europe: the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities
- Resolution 125 (1981) on the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities in regard to the cultural and social problems of populations of nomadic origin