“The Cultural Routes [of the Council of Europe] has always been a programme that has allowed Europeans to come together. Among our difficulties within the European context of today, and among our divisions and historical differences, we share values, we share history, we share traditions, we share cultures. And that is what we should celebrate”
On 6 and 7 September, the first Routes4U meeting for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) took place in Oslo, Norway. More than 50 participants from national and regional institution as well as representatives of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe crossing the EU macro-region contributed to identify the regional needs of the Baltic Sea Region in the framework of the Routes4U Project.
During the plenary session, representatives of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (The Hansa, the Routes of Saint Olav Ways, the Viking Routes, the European Cemeteries Route and the European Routes of Megalithic Culture) presented their activities in the Baltic Sea Region and new projects were discussed (The Iron Curtain Trail, Saint Olav Waterways and Alvar Aalto Route of Modern Architecture).
A presentation on funding's opportunities from EEA was also held, for beneficiaries in the Baltic see region and beyond. More information are available on their website.
The Council of Europe will publish shortly a roadmap with recommendations as well as relevant data and information on cultural tourism, social participation and regional development in the Baltic Sea Region on the meeting’s webpage.
The seminar focussed on the strengthening of certified Cultural Routes and new proposals in the Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine, Baltic Sea and Danube Region. This was the opportunity to present our webpage "How to apply for grants?", a mini-guide for the Cultural Routes to find the right funding in the EU macro-regions and prepare their proposal.
In "Communication manual to support EUSAIR governance structures" (Interreg ADRION)
Message in a Bottle: Communication across Macro-regional Strategies
18 September 2018 | Izola, Slovenia
The workshop "Message in a Bottle: Communication across Macro-regional Strategies" was held on 18 September 2018 in Izola, Slovenia.
It brought together communication representatives from the four macro-regional strategies to discuss on how to facilitate communication across macro-regional strategies.
In the framework of the Routes4U project, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe were presented as catalysts of joint identity accross borders.
Exchange of views and presentations took place during the meeting, like the one of EuroAccess, a search engine on fundings available in the four EU macro-regions.
Routes4U Project is implemented by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA), under the supervision of its Executive Secretary, Stefano Dominioni.