Branding strategy
A branding strategy regarding the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe was developed for the four EU macro-regions (Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine, Baltic Sea and Danube Region). Each branding strategy was developed in three phases:
1. Audit phase
- Research on data and information on cultural tourism in the Macro-region countries, as provided from national tourism board institutions etc.;
- Survey of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, in order to collect data and info in view of the brand development.
2. Brand development phase
- Creation of a brand vision; definition of brand identity and values for the each EU macro-region.
3. Recommendations on brand implementation
- Action-oriented and to-the-point recommendations concerning the creation and promotion of the brand, including recommendations on “Brand-personality” guidelines for the marketing material, distribution channels, communication channels, promotional slogans;
- As part of Routes4U e-learning course, a module is dedicated on how to develop a marketing strategy;
- Development of a Tourism Catalogue, implemeting the branding recommendations.
Routes4U trip
Useful links
- Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme
- EU Macro-Regional Strategies
- Faro Convention Action Plan