The Council of Europe is currently implementing until 31 July 2020, the Routes4U Joint Programme on “fostering regional development, through transnational cultural routes, heritage policies and practices in the EU macro-regions”.
Within this programme, it is looking for a Provider for a video producer and communication, social media storyteller to diffuse the Routes4U stories via Europe-wide, Regional or Industry. Outlets should include, but not limited to Travel/Cultural broadcast outlets and social media.
Please see the tender files and the act of engagement forms, setting the tasks and requirements for which a provider will be engaged.
Should you be interested in working with us on this project, please email your offer to [email protected] , by 23 April 2020 (23:59), including the documents listed in the tender file, according to the modalities set in the tender file.
Offers submitted will be analysed according to the eligibility and award criteria set in the tender file. Based on this evaluation, the Council of Europe will decide to which tenderer to award the contract.
How to participate in competitive bidding procedure (guidelines)
Question and Answers
Q: What are the studies exactly? And who are they made for? Who is the audience?
A : Please consult the Routes4U website for the scope of the Routes4U project ( )
Q: Who is the e-learning made for? The institutions who want to be part of a new cultural route?
A : Please consult the Routes4U e-learning website for the scope of the programme ( )
Q: What are the Routes4U cards exactly? Do you have any examples? How can people get them?
A : The Cultural Route card I a project that will provide discounts and advantages to travellers along the Cultural Routes who are the card-holders. Complete details of the card’s scope and distribution will be provided to tender winner.
Q: Resources: Is all of the existing material we can use in the videos available on this page? Do you have other videos? Can we have access to all of your existing material?
A : The winner of the tender will be expected to include in their bid their own solutions to provide content. All material belonging to Routes4U, the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe will be available. The tender winner will also be encouraged to independently access material of the various routes themselves.
Q: In the Act of Engagement , you indicate “ In case of failure of dissemination throughout the press, will jeopardize the amount received by the beneficiary”. What are the criteria of failure (technical criteria, number of media, others… )? Could you precise this point with quantified data?
A: The winner of the tender will be awarded the grant in total upon full completion of the project within the proposed time. The project may be considered completed if an agreement has been reached with a broadcaster to disseminate the product at a date after the project deadline. Precise quantification will be provided to the winner of the tender.
Q: Is there a specific target for the 4 videos and articles? Is it more a "professional" audience, or European tourists? What is the main purpose of this content?
A : The provider is requested to develop and disseminate to a wide range of audience, not exclusively to the target group of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The winner of the tender will be expected to provide a strategy and plan of what they believe to be appropriate target audiences.
Q: In the Act of Engagement, you indicate that “The product is expected to have interviews with stakeholders including but not limited to, relevant stakeholders such as, MEPs, ministers and regional governors, national and regional ministry officials, European Union and/or Council of Europe officials, relevant local and regional actors on the Routes4U projects” . Do you have enough of interviews on existing documentaries, audio-visual material from the Cultural Routes ? And do you have a list of the stakeholders you mention?
A: The winner of the tender will be expected to to provide a list of what they feel are appropriate actors, with a final lit to be finalised in agreement with Routes4U. All existing material on Routes4U websites may be used.
Q: Is there a specific target for the videos? Does it differ from the videos from the call 1? Is it supposed to be a corporate vidéo, considering that it should include MEPs, ministers, etc. ? What is the main purpose of this content specifically?
A: The winner of the tender will be expected to broadcast material to the widest possible audience: international; regional; or industry specific and appropriate such as, but not limited to, travel, cultural or educational. The winner of the tender will be expected to justify their targets
Q: Should travel expenses be included or excluded from the proposed fees that AVIA provides?
A: All expenses are to be covered within the awarded amount by the winner of the tender.
A:The fees will include travel and subsistence expenses and are therefore covered within the awarded amount.
Q: Does the exclusion level of €32000 include or exclude the amount ment for distribution in the media?
A: Distribution costs are to be covered within the awarded amount by the winner of the tender
Q: Like most other production companies, we operate
with invoicing in advance of the delivered product, regardless of the response
afterwards. Distribution costs and implementation of broadcasting will be
billed regardless of the film production itself. In the Act of engagement, is
stands; “In case of failure of dissemination in the broadcast media, this
will cause the non payment of the contract”. Can you please specify what you mean by this?
A: The winner of the tender will be awarded the grant in total upon full completion of the project within the proposed time. The project may be considered completed if an agreement has been reached with a broadcaster to disseminate the product at a date after the project deadline.
As referenced in the Act of Engagement:: 5.1. In the event that:
a) the Provider does not satisfy the conditions laid down in this contract or those resulting from any modifications duly accepted in writing by both parties, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 below; or
b) the Deliverables provided as referred to under Article 1.1 do not reach a satisfactory level; or
c) the Provider is in any of the situations listed in Article 10.2,
the Council may consider there to have been a breach of contract and may consequently refuse to pay to the Provider the amounts referred to in Article 4.1 and Article 4.4 above.”