The EU-Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) covers eight countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy (Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Sicily, Trentino, Umbria and Veneto), Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.

The general objective of the EUSAIR is to promote economic and social prosperity and growth in the region by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity. The Strategy is founded on four thematic priorities/pillars representing key challenges/opportunities in the region. Project proposals should contribute to the Pillar 4 on Sustainable Tourism, which aims at:

  • Diversification of the macro-region’s tourism products and services along with tackling seasonality of inland, coastal and maritime tourism demand.
  • Improving the quality and innovation of tourism offer and enhancing the sustainable and responsible tourism capacities of the tourism actors across the macro-region.

If you wish to apply, please download and read carefully the following documents:

Call for proposal EUSAIR


Useful links:

The four calls for proposals are launched in the framework of the joint programme of the European Commission and Council of Europe “Routes4U”. Project proposals shall produce an added value to the Council of Europe and the European Commission’s efforts in the domain of Cultural Routes and macro-regional strategies. They shall help enhancing the common identity within the respective macro-regional strategies.

  • Implementation period: 15 March 2019 until 1 October 2019
  • Budget: 10 000 (ten thousand) euros per grant
  • Eligibility criteria: Be the legally constituted body in charge of a network certified “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”
  • Deadline for application: 4 February 2019. The  application must be submitted to [email protected].
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