2018 marked the first year of activity of the Routes4U Joint Programme, bringing together the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the EU macro-regional strategies. And which better way to celebrate than offering you a Christmas gift? Follow us on our Cultural Routes' journey in the Baltic Sea, the Danube, the Adriatic-Ionian and the Alpine Region.
Enjoy your reading and best wishes from the Routes4U team, the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes and the European Institute of Cultural Routes!
Meet with the Santa from the Baltic Sea Region
Inspired by the Cultural Route "The Viking Routes"
Most of the people know about the influence of Saint Nicolas when it comes to our representation of Santa. But what if an oldest influence can be found in the Viking mythology?
Can a Roman Emperor from the Danube Region be at the origins of Christmas day?
Inspired by the Cultural Route "Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route"
The Roman Empire and the deeds of the emperors laid the foundations of urbanism, administration, law and citizenship rights for many European societies. Well, they also influenced pretty much our Christmas traditions!
The Adriatic-Ionian Region, cradle of the nativity scene tradition
Inspired by the Cultural Route "Via Francigena"
Have you ever witnessed a nativity scene, exhibiting figures, sometimes alive, representing Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and the very iconic ox and donkey? Well, everything started in the 13th century when…
Protestant’s traditions in the Alpine Region led to chocolates "behind the windows"!
Inspired by the Cultural Route "Huguenots and Waldensian Trail"
Huguenots and Waldensian were two Christian movements that, due to religious persecutions, moved to Protestant's countries such as Germany and Switzerland. Centuries later, Protestants will develop something that until nowadays is very much appreciated by children, and adults!
Routes4U Project is implemented by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA), under the supervision of its Executive Secretary, Stefano Dominioni.
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes
European Institute of Cultural Routes
28 rue Münster
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