Fostering regional development through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

Organised with the support of the Federal Chancellery of Austria

14-15 October 2019 | Vienna, Austria

The Routes4U meeting on Cultural Routes in the Danube Region and in the Adriatic and Ionian Region will take place the 14-15 October 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

The meeting will be the opportunity for participants to discuss about Cultural Routes priorities in the Adriatic and Ionian Region and in the Danube Region, and how to develop their potential through the Routes4U activities. They will learn more about the promotion and brand exercise of Routes4U, and more specifically its implementation through a Cultural Routes Card as well as the production of a macro-regional brand for the Cultural Routes. They will also discuss cultural tourism as driver for growth, jobs and economic development in the macro-regions.

Participants will include representatives from European Institutions, EU macro-regional strategies, cultural routes projects, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe networks and stakeholders from the cultural and tourism field at national and macro-regional level.

The event is organised with the support of the Austrian Federal chancellery.


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Federal Chancellery of Austria
Concordiaplatz 2
1010 Vienna, Austria


Possibility of accommodation

Hotel Motel One
Elisabethstraße 5
1010 Wien, Austria



Constanze METZGER, Routes4U Senior Project Officer

Tel.: +352 24 12 50 38
E-mail: constanze.metzger[at]


Laura LIGAZZOLO, Routes4U Project Assistant

Tel.: +352 24 12 50 39
E-mail: laura.ligazzolo[at]

Routes4U Project is a joint programme between the European Commission (Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy – DG REGIO) and the Council of Europe (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes – EPA). The project aims at strengthening regional development through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in the four EU macro-regions.