Bucharest, Romania , 

The Routes4U B2B talks is where experts can discuss business opportunities related to cultural tourism through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.

Innovative products and services for transnational cultural tourism offers in the Danube Region and a branding strategy for cultural heritage in the Danube Region are the key topics that were presented in Bucharest, Romania on the 27 June 2019.

The event was organised in the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region 8th Annual Forum, “Building cohesion for a shared prosperity in the Danube Region” (27-28 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania).

Draft programme

Register to the Routes4U B2B talk

Note: you must also register to the EUSDR Annual Forum to request an accreditation for the event.


Palace of the Parliament
Room “Nicolae Iorga”
Strada Izvor 2-4
Bucharest, Romania



Constanze METZGER, Routes4U Senior Project Officer

Tel.: +352 24 12 50 38
E-mail: constanze.metzger[at]coe.int


Laura LIGAZZOLO, Routes4U Project Assistant

Tel.: +352 24 12 50 39
E-mail: laura.ligazzolo[at]coe.int

Routes4U Project is a joint programme between the European Commission (Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy – DG REGIO) and the Council of Europe (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes – EPA). The project aims at strengthening regional development through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in the four EU macro-regions.