Empowering legal professionals on freedom of expression: advanced Training of Trainers kicks off in North Macedonia

3-5 July 2024 Struga

Building on the successful co-operation with the training institutions in North Macedonia, the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors and the North Macedonia Bar Association, an advanced training for trainers on freedom of expression, specifically tailored for legal professionals, was...

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Members of the Advisory Board call for further implementation of the Roadmap for improvement of inclusive education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

1 July 2024 Online

The third meeting of the Advisory Board of the joint European Union (EU) and Council of Europe action "Quality education for all" in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) took place online on the 1 July 2024. The meeting was opened by Adnan Husić, Assistant Minister from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of...

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CEPEJ mbështet ndërgjegjësimin e gjyqtarëve mbi ndërmjetësimin në Shqipëri

2 Korrik 2024 TIRANE, SHQIPERI

Në bashkëpunim me Shkollën e Magjistraturës dhe Dhomën Kombëtare të Ndërmjetësimit të Shqipërisë u organizua sot një seminar ndërgjegjësues për referimin në ndërmjetësim me pjesëmarrjen e 15 magjistratëve nga gjykatat e Shqipërisë, ekspertë kombëtarë dhe ekspertë të CEPEJ. Aktiviteti, i...

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Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions, academia, civil society, and media join forces to combat disinformation and hate speech online

2 July 2024 Sarajevo

European standards, including the EU Digital Service Act (DSA), require a multi-stakeholder approach to the protection from harmful content online, involving governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, civil society, academia, and media. At a round table...

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Fuqizimi i sistemit të drejtësisë për të trajtuar format e rënda të diskriminimit: Nisja e kursit HELP për krimin e urrejtjes për profesionistët ligjorë shqiptarë

28 qershor 2024 Tiranë

Kursi HELP (Edukim ligjor për të Drejtat e Njeriut për Profesionistët e së drejtës) për Krimet e Urrejtjes, i krijuar posaçërisht për gjyqtarët, prokurorët dhe punonjësit e policisë në Shqipëri, u prezantua në Tiranë më 28 qershor. Kjy aktivitet, i mbështetur nga Bashkimi Evropian dhe Këshilli i...

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Ritheksohet angazhimi i institucioneve publike administrative për të forcuar bashkëpunimin institucional në trajtimin sa më efektiv të kërkesave lidhur me pronën

26 qershor 2024 Tiranë

Tryeza e parë koordinuese, e fokusuar në trajtimin e të drejtës së pronës me pjesëmarrjen e institucioneve të administratës publike, u mbajt në Tiranë më 26 qershor 2024. Ky aktivitet u zhvillua në kuadër të asistencës së vazhdueshme të Bashkimit Evropian dhe Këshillit të Evropës, dhënë...

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Establishing of a working alliance with a prisoner is the main pre-requisite to rehabilitation, preparation for release and social reintegration

17 - 19 June 2024 ISTOG/ISTOK

The European Union and the Council of Europe continue to assist the penitentiary institutions in Kosovo* by strengthening their capacities related to management of violent and extremist prisoners (VEPs), and those vulnerable to radicalisation. Practical application of the instruments used in...

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Professional judgment on violent extremist and radicalised prisoners has to be verifiable and factual, concluded prison practitioners from Serbia

25 - 26 June 2024 Vrdnik

How to identify signs of radicalisation, perform assessment of risk and make a professional judgment on violent extremist prisoners or marginalised and vulnerable prisoners at risk from radicalisation, and tailor their rehabilitation path, were the main topics discussed at the two-day training...

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Regional co-operation is a must: Western Balkans regulators discuss common approaches to fighting disinformation

25 - 26 June 2024 Budva

Ensuring information pluralism and a healthy media landscape is an increasingly challenging task for media regulators. To encourage regional co-operation among regulatory authorities in the Western Balkans, a peer review workshop was organised in Budva, Montenegro on 25-26 June 2024. This event...

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Venice Commission publishes several opinions supported through the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism

21 – 22 June 2024 Strasbourg

The Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism (ECM) enables the provision of legislative expertise and policy advice in the areas covered by the Horizontal Facility programme, as well as on constitutional issues falling within the mandate of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the...

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Conference on “Human rights and migration in the context of natural disasters and emergency situations” held in Ankara

11 - 12 June 2024 Ankara

An international conference on “Human rights and migration in the context of natural disasters and emergency situations” was held in Ankara on 11-12 June 2024. The two-day conference was organised within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint action “Strengthening the human...

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Law enforcement and civil society organisations from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership region together on combating racism and hate speech in Skopje

19 - 21 June 2024 Skopje

In continuation of the joint efforts put in place by the European Union and the Council of Europe to enhance cross-regional collaboration in combating racism in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries, a peer-to-peer exchange was organised in Skopje, from 19th to 21st of June....

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Addressing hate speech: training for the prosecutors and police in Bosnia and Herzegovina

18 - 19 June 2024 Sarajevo

Addressing hate speech effectively requires targeted training and clear legal standards. To this end, the Council of Europe organised, with the support of the European Union, a comprehensive training session for prosecutors and police officers from 13 offices across Bosnia and Herzegovina,...

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Revising oversight procedures in North Macedonia’s prisons

17 - 18 June 2024 Skopje

Improving the prison oversight and reporting procedures put in place by the Directorate for the Execution of Sanctions (DES) of North Macedonia was in the focus of the working group that met on 17-18 June 2024. Guided by a Council of Europe international consultant, the DES oversight team visited...

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Marking the no-hate speech day in Serbia: addressing the root causes by promoting dialogue and tolerance

18 June 2024 Belgrade

“Hate speech undermines the very foundations of democracy and violates all norms of civilisation. Its damage is much greater than we can imagine, and we must not forget how short the response path of hatred, aggressive communication and open threats to physical violence is”, said Brankica...

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Building capacity in freedom of expression standards for Albanian Courts

14 June 2024 Tirana

In today's evolving media landscape, it is crucial for judges, prosecutors, and lawyers to gain and maintain an in-depth understanding of their role as regards freedom of expression and of the media. Knowledgeable legal professionals can in turn safeguard this fundamental right, ensuring that...

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Autoritetet shqiptare marrin mbështetje për përmirësimin e Strategjisë Kombëtare mbi Parandalimin e Pastrimit të Parave dhe Financimit të Terrorizmit 2024-2030

11 qershor 2024 Tiranë

Bashkimi Evropian dhe Këshilli i Evropës, në bashkëpunim me Agjencinë e Inteligjencës Financiare, organizuan tryezën konsultuese për përmirësimin e draft-Strategjisë Kombëtare për Parandalimin e Pastrimit të Parave dhe Financimit të Terrorizmit (2024-2030). Duke qenë e para e këtij lloji,...

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Council of Europe reaffirms commitment to advance support for LGBTI rights and freedom of expression

14 June 2024 Skopje

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) has reaffirmed its support for the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and assembly for LGBTI people across member states. In its last meeting PACE approved the Resolution 2543 (2024) on Freedom of expression and assembly of LGBTI people...

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Shërbimi Penitenciar Shqiptar do të adoptojë Terapinë e bazuar në trauma dhe terapinë konjitive të sjelljes me qëllim përmirësimin e rehabilitimit të të dënuarve

12 Qershor 2024 Albania

Bashkimi Evropian dhe Këshilli i Evropës po ndihmojnë autoritetet penitenciare në prezantimin e terapisë së bazuar në trauma dhe terapinë konjitive të sjelljes në burgjet Shqiptare. Në këtë kuadër, stafi i IEVP - “Ali Demi”, ishte pjesë e trajnimit dy-ditor mbi Terapinë e bazuar në Trauma,...

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Protecting journalists and fighting disinformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

11 June 2024 Sarajevo

Enhancing the safety of journalists, combating strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs), and supporting co-regulation of harmful content online are among the key priorities for protecting freedom of expression and the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The second Steering Committee...

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