Previous training for trainers experiences

Linking partners in the youth field

The Partnership programme works with a growing number of trainers each year. They participate primarily in the training courses as external trainers but also in the development of our publications, the T-Kits and the Coyote Magazine

In order to provide an opportunity for the exchange of views, experiences and best practices, the Partnership Programme organised some trainers' forum. These events also served as an occasion for peer review and feedback for the institutions supporting the Partnership.

Bridges for Recognition

Bridges for Recognition brought together different stakeholders in the recognition debate (education sector, labour market, policy makers and youth work) in order to build bridges between those sectors and create smoother roads between different types of learning and opportunities created by them.

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Bridges for Training

"Bridges for Training" brought together different actors in the field of non-formal education on a European level in order to exchange and inspire. The training event aimed to provide an update on different training initiatives going on in the European youth field. It provided a space for...

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Partnership Trainers' Forum 2002

Objectives of the Forum
  • To associate the trainers with the evaluation of the Covenant and take into account their experiences.
  • To strengthen the communication and cooperation among the different partners concerned by the Covenant.
  • To assess the impact of the Covenant and its activities on trainers.
  • To provide update in formation on recent developments at European level of interest for the participants.
  • To identify common issues and concerns as trainers.
See also

Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe

The Open Learning Community (OLC) was designed specifically to facilitate the Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe long-term training course between 2001-2003. The training course was an advanced training for trainers already active in training youth multipliers at the European level.

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