Bu tematik alan çerçevesinde yürütülecek çalışmalarda cezaevleri ve kolluk güçleri (kolluk uygulamalarında insan hakları, cezaevlerinde sağlık hizmetleri ve işkence ve kötü muameleye karşı güvenceler dahil), yargıda insan hakları standartları (Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi içtihatlarının uygulanması), göç ile ilgili sorunlar, adalet sistemlerinin verimliliği (mahkemelerin niteliğinin en üst düzeye çıkarılması amacıyla adli istatistiklerin analizi) ve/veya hukuki iş birliği (hâkim ve savcıların bireysel bağımsızlığını ve yargı sisteminin hesap verebilirliğini artırma) konularına odaklanılacaktır.

Geri Albanian prison and probation staff strengthen their skills on the rehabilitation tools and pre-release programme for violent extremist prisoners and those vulnerable to radicalisation

Durrës/ Albania 11 June 2024
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Albanian prison and probation staff strengthen their skills on the rehabilitation tools and pre-release programme for violent extremist prisoners and those vulnerable to radicalisation

The Council of Europe continues to assist the penitentiary institutions in Albania by improving prison and probation staff capacities related to management of violent and extremist prisoners (VEPs), and those vulnerable to radicalisation. In this context, a 3-day advanced training for 22 prison and probation first-line practitioners, members of multidisciplinary teams from three prison establishments in Burrel, Peqin and Ali Demi and the Tirana Probation Service Regional Office, took place on 4-6 June 2024 in Durres, with the support of EU and Council of Europe joint programme Horizontal Facility III.

Through presentations, practical exercises and role plays the training focused on the application of the VEP-specific screening, risk and needs assessment tools, rehabilitation programme and newly developed pre-release programme for VEPs, which resulted with a strengthened and enhanced level of knowledge, self-confidence, and skills among the participants. The pre-release programme for VEPs, for the first time in Albania context guides the prison and probation staff in preparing VEPs for release. The training also contributed to a better understanding of radicalisation prevention and further strengthened their skills in VEPs management and treatment planning. The participants discussed challenges that they may encounter during the implementation of the VEP-specific tools and programmes, such as inmates’ resistance and lack of motivation as well as specifics of the work with women prisoners and probationers.

Equipped with new skills and practical knowledge, the participants in their role as future facilitators will now test the tools and programmes in prison and probation environment during a piloting phase that should last up to four months.

This event, was organised under the auspices of the regional action on “Enhancing co-operation in the Western Balkans in managing violent extremism in prisons and preventing further radicalisation after release”, part of EU and Council of Europe joint programme Horizontal Facility III, which is enabling the Beneficiaries to meet their reform agendas in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy and to comply with European standards, which is also a priority for the EU enlargement process.


“Tema 1 - Adaletin güçlendirilmesi” alanındaki projeler:

*Bu ifade, statüye ilişkin görüşlere halel getirmez ve BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nin 1244 sayılı Kararı ve Uluslararası Adalet Divanının Kosova’nın Bağımsızlık Deklarasyonu hakkındaki Görüşü ile uyumludur.