Horizontal Facility је усмерен на сузбијање корупције, привредног криминала, прања новца и финансирања тероризма, као и на борбу против еколошког криминала, укључујући мере за транспарентност финансирања политичких партија, система пријављивања имовине, националног ризика и процене и развоја капацитета финансијско-обавештајних јединица.

Назад Sixth Steering Committee of the Action against economic Crime in Montenegro

Sixth Steering Committee of the Action against economic Crime in Montenegro

The Sixth Steering Committee meeting of the Action against economic crime in Montenegro took place on 21 June 2022 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The action, a joint endeavour of the European Union and Council of Europe, is part of the second phase of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey” programme.

The meeting was attended by representatives of all the beneficiary institutions, as well as representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, and the Council of Europe. The Steering Committee Meeting was an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss the activities implemented in the past six months, review the main results achieved, as well the challenges ahead, and to adopt the workplan for the final six months of the action.

The activities executed so far were very favourably assessed by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Financial Investigative Unit of Montenegro. The Judicial Training Centre suggested prioritising the training of trainers on the processing of money laundering offenses. New activities were also proposed, such as a sectorial risk assessment of terrorist financing through the NPO sector, and a review of the sectoral risk assessment of virtual assets and of virtual assets service providers.

Input from this Steering Committee will inform future action planning and execution.

This meeting was organised within the framework of the Action against economic crime in Montenegro, which is a part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019 – 2022”.

Podgorica 21 June 2022
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