Назад Clarifying the new roles of court presidents, chancellors, and legal advisors and legal assistants in Albania

Clarifying the new roles of court presidents, chancellors, and legal advisors and legal assistants in Albania

On 14 November, an European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) court coaching project for all 10 pilot courts was launched in Tirana, Albania. Its goal was to support, at their request, Court Presidents, Chancellors, legal advisors and legal assistants with their concrete understanding of respective roles following the adoption of new laws in this area. The objective of this particular project is to develop a report with concrete guidelines to support future training. As a first step, a meeting was led by three CEPEJ experts, Vivien Whyte, Jon Johnsen and Marco Fabri, to present European standards and examples of good practices. Workshops per role also took place to discuss concrete measures to encourage proactive engagement to contribute to a better court management system in Albania.

This activity took place under the SEJ II Action “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania”, which is part of the Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey, a programme co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Tirana 17 November 2017
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