Назад Strengthening judicial ethics and promoting the role of Ethical Commissions in Montenegro

Strengthening judicial ethics and promoting the role of Ethical Commissions in Montenegro

The Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), in the 4th Evaluation Round which has dealt with corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors, has noted some progress in providing guidance and counselling with respect to judicial ethics in Montenegro, but has also issued recommendations for further strengthening of ethical and disciplinary rules and practices.

Following these recommendations, the joint European Union/Council of Europe action "Accountability and professionalism of the judicial system in Montenegro" has supported the Judicial Council in organising counselling visits to courts in all parts of the country, in order to promote the Ethical Commission's role and provide direct guidance on implementing the Code of Ethics of Judges.

The last round of counselling visits of members of the Ethical Committee involved court presidents and judges of the basic courts in Plav and Rozaje. During these visits, key issues related to ethical standards and practice were discussed, including with respect to the interpretation of the Code of Ethics, work and role of the Ethical Commission as well as the establishment and positioning of the confidential counselling mechanism within the judiciary of Montenegro.

Counselling visits were organised under the action "Accountability and professionalism of the judicial system in Montenegro" which is part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019 - 2022".

Plav and Rozaje 21 September 2021
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