Horizontal Facility - Вести
Sofija Blagojević: Mlada herojka koja zagovara inkluziju u školama u Srbiji
Sofija Blagojević je sa samo 17 godina postala prava herojka u očima nastavnika/ca, i drugog, nenastavnog kadra. Njena posvećenost inkluziji i borbi protiv diskriminacije nije samo rezultirala tim priznanjem koje je dobila, već i inspirisala njene vršnjake/inje. „Bila sam počastvovana što se moje...
Over 200 Turkish lawyers enhance knowledge on immigration detention standards
More than 200 lawyers from eight Bar Associations across Türkiye, including İstanbul, İzmir, Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin, Bursa, Mersin, and Ankara, have enhanced their expertise in immigration detention standards. Through a series of cascade training sessions, they gained insights into...
Highlights No.7
Improving legal access and human rights awareness in the Western Balkans
Notable progress was made in promoting human rights and raising awareness of European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) judgments. Law students gained hands-on experience through internships, enhancing their understanding and practical application of legal principles. Awareness-raising initiatives...
Highlights No.7
Empowering media and combating SLAPPs in the Western Balkans
Important interventions were focused on strengthening the protection of journalists, activists, and the media in the Western Balkans, with a primary focus on combatting Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) but also on advancing the role of the media in addressing key social...
Hightligs No.7
Aligning Prison and Forensic Practices in the with European standards
Recent efforts across the Western Balkans have focused on improving the treatment of individuals within the justice system, particularly those involved in forensic and prison settings. Our initiatives have aimed at aligning domestic practices with European standards in the field, ensuring better...
Hightlights No.7
Get to know the most recent publications published under the Horizontal Facility programme
In this edition of Highlights, we present the main publications produced under the framework of the Horizontal Facility III programme with an aim to enhance knowledge and bring European standards in various areas closer to the beneficiaries in the Western Balkans and in Türkiye. “Dictionary to...
Journalists, lawyers and activists join forces to fight SLAPP in Bosnia and Herzegovina
With growing solidarity and support from the Council of Europe, journalists, lawyers, and activists in Bosnia and Herzegovina are stepping up efforts to counter Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), lawsuits aimed at silencing critical voices and discouraging public interest...
Two new resource centers for democratic school culture opened in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Two more schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina have officially become Resource centers for democratic school culture. The Fourth elementary school in Brčko and the Vocational High School in Čelić have become part of a transformative initiative aimed at fostering democratic values and promoting...
Montenegro’s youth drive change with award-winning inclusive tech solutions
In a bid to make schools more inclusive and understanding, high school students from across Montenegro gathered for the "Equal Hack: Code for Equality" hackathon, developing tech-driven solutions to promote equality and respect. Maša Radulović, whose team from Nikšić clinched first place, aimed...
Landmark European Court of Human Rights’ judgments highlight urgent need for property rights' reform in Albania
The European Court of Human Rights (the Court) issued two landmark judgements on 10 and 17 December 2024 respectively, addressing persistent challenges in Albania’s property registration and restitution systems and underscoring the continued need for further reform. In the case of Ramaj v....
Advokati u Srbiji spremniji da se bore protiv trgovine ljudima zahvaljujući specijalizovanom HELP kursu
Dvadeset advokata i advokatica iz Srbije uspešno je završilo HELP kurs Saveta Evrope o borbi protiv trgovine ljudima. Ceremonija dodele sertifikata, održana u prostorijama Saveta Evrope u Beogradu, obeležila je završetak više od dva meseca usavršavanja osmišljenog da unapredi kapacitete pravnih...
Унапређивање капацитета корисника/ца почетне обуке Правосудне академије за примену Европске конвенције о људским правима
Заједнички пројекат Европске уније и Савета Европе „Унапређивање заштите људских права у Србији“ и Правосудна академија Републике Србије (ПА) спровели су низ практичних обука од октобра до децембра за кориснике и кориснице почетне обуке ПА о различитим члановима Европске конвенције о људским...
New research sheds light on impact of hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Two publications on the latest research into the nature and impact of hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina, developed under the European Union and Council of Europe’s joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye,” were presented today in Sarajevo. The comprehensive...
Egmont Group Strategic Analysis Course for Financial Crimes Investigation Board
Twenty five representatives from Türkiye’s Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) have been equipped with advanced skills to strengthen efforts against money laundering and terrorism financing, following a four-day “Egmont Group Strategic Analysis Course” organised by the Council of Europe...
“Evaluation Report on the Guardianship System for Children in the Context of Migration in Türkiye” published
An “Evaluation Report on the Guardianship System for Children in the Context of Migration in Türkiye” offers an in-depth analysis of the country’s public guardianship system and proposes 11 recommendations for improvement to support its effective functioning. Developed with the expert support...
Студенти права кроз праксу стичу непосредно искуство у области заштите људских права
Заједнички пројекат Европске уније и Савета Европе „Унапређивање заштите људских права у Србији“ окупио је студенте права с Универзитета у Београду који су обавили праксу у Одељењу за заступање Републике Србије пред Европским судом за људска права (ЕСЉП) како би у фокус групи дискутовали о својим...
Савет Европе подржава припрему програма групног рада са осуђеницима у Србији
Начелници и представници Служби за третман из свих 29 установа за извршење кривичних санкција у Србији, недавно су одржали састанак на ком су разговарали о стандардизацији спровођења актуелних програма третмана затвореника и упознали се са новим програмима који ће бити доступни од наредне године....
Empowering future legal experts in North Macedonia on the provision of free legal aid
Legal clinics and civil society organisations authorised to provide primary legal aid play a pivotal role in ensuring access to justice and effectively safeguarding human rights in accordance with European standards. In the efforts to advance access to equal justice in North Macedonia, around 20...
Coding for change in Montenegro
Six high school teams from across Montenegro gathered in Podgorica for the “Equal Hack: Code for Equality” hackathon, an exciting two-day event where young minds designed solutions to promote inclusion, respect, and safer online and offline spaces for all. The hackathon, which brought together...
Prison governors in North Macedonia enhance management skills and knowledge of the European Prison Rules
Prison governors managing all the 12 penitentiary facilities in North Macedonia strengthened their managerial skills and knowledge of the European Prison Rules, during the 2-days capacity-building session during 10-11 December 2024 in Gevgelija. The two-day session focused on key prison...