Назад Introducing statistics in the new case management system in Kosovo*

Introducing statistics in the new case management system in Kosovo*

In October 2019, a coordination group of international experts from the Norwegian-funded CMIS/ICT project, USAID and the CEPEJ was established to support the development of the statistics function of the case management system for courts and prosecution offices in Kosovo*. As a first step in this important process, the CEPEJ experts provided recommendations on draft statistical reports developed by the CMIS team to promote the use of the CEPEJ methodology and the inclusion of performance indicators, in particular the clearance rate and disposition time. The Clearance Rate essentially shows how the court or judicial system is coping with the in-flow of cases. The Disposition Time is not a calculation of the duration of the proceedings, but a theoretical estimate of the time needed to process pending cases (see CEPEJ Glossary). Both are instrumental to obtaining a useful overview of the caseload in courts and prosecution offices to improve their performance efficiently.

A workshop was organised by the CMIS/ICT project on 18-19 December to initiate discussion with court presidents and chief prosecutors on the statistics needed in courts and prosecution offices. The workshop was an opportunity to emphasize, as an essential precondition, the importance of collecting reliable statistics through the use of a functioning case management system. Other workshops are foreseen to take place in 2020 to discuss the statistical reports with all relevant stakeholders (from the KJC, the courts, judges, support staff, etc). 



*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

This work was organised in the framework of the KoSEJ II Action “Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo*”, which is part of the second phase of the programme entitled "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey" (HF II), co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Pristina 18-19 December 2019
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*Овај назив је без прејудицирања статуса и у складу је са Резолуцијом Савета безбедности Уједињених нација 1244 и Мишљењем Међународног суда правде о Декларацији о независности Косова.